[FilterScript] Anti-AmmoHack v1.0 by iRage

There are situations in which this script can lead to false detections: for example if you have a weapon like Desert Eagle or M4 and you stand next to a wall, you won't shoot. Or if you stand next to another player, you will punch him instead of shooting him. Or if you have sniper rifle or rocket launcher and you don't press right mouse button, you won't shoot either.

Apart from that, I have noticed that in OnPlayerKeyStateChange you use a string to store the name of the weapon with GetWeaponName, but then you don't use that string anywhere. Why?

Messages In This Thread
Anti-AmmoHack v1.0 by iRage - by iRage - 04.03.2013, 18:27
Re: Anti-AmmoHack v1.0 by iRage - by iFear - 05.03.2013, 12:14
Re: Anti-AmmoHack v1.0 by iRage - by Gangster-rocks - 18.03.2013, 16:22
Re: Anti-AmmoHack v1.0 by iRage - by Mr.GeEk - 18.03.2013, 18:12
Re: Anti-AmmoHack v1.0 by iRage - by dakata994 - 18.03.2013, 18:46
Re: Anti-AmmoHack v1.0 by iRage - by Emily_Miku - 23.06.2013, 02:55
Re: Anti-AmmoHack v1.0 by iRage - by dEcooR - 23.06.2013, 12:28
Re: Anti-AmmoHack v1.0 by iRage - by xser - 23.06.2013, 16:10
Respuesta: Anti-AmmoHack v1.0 by iRage - by Gryphus One - 24.06.2013, 14:51
Re: Anti-AmmoHack v1.0 by iRage - by iRage - 25.06.2013, 04:40

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