[GameMode] Island Survival Roleplay

Hello, I am releasing a improved version of the Lost Roleplay gamemode.
We had a pretty good run with around 18+ players daily.
I am releasing it because I dont have the time to run a server this summer.

Improved Hunger & Thirst system - The hunger & thirst system was a little a bit buggy on the early version of the script, but I fixed that. It pretty much explains itself what it is.
Food & Drink - I've added 3 choices of food you can get. Fish,Berry and boars. You can hunt the boars around the island(npcs).
Level System - You can use /levelup to level, When you reach level 7, You can choose to stay as surivor, Or join The Others
Faction System - There is 3 factions scripted in, cant really remember the names of them(player made). Not so many features for this just a small faction system.
Wood System - You have to cook your food before you can eat it
Cook System - You can start a fire with /lightfire to start cooking your fish, and then eat
Waterbottle System - You need to find a waterbottle to drink, And you need to find a river to get water.
Talent System - When you register, You can choose a talent. They are based from the characters in lost.
V.I.P System - Not so many features for the V.I.P. I had no clue what to add for V.I.P.
Backpack System - You got a limited space of things you can carry. You can find backpacks so you can carry more stuff. ((/drop if your bags is full))
Drug System - You can find some herioin around the island, But if you choose your talent as Drug Addict, You will spawn with unlimited heroin.
Walkie Talkie System - You can also find a walkie talkie, But when you find it, Its broken. You need to find a tech to fix it for you. The others spawn with walkie talkies.
Inventory System - Almost the same as backpack system, do /inventory to check your inv!
New island - I mapped a extra island, It is player spawned at the computer in the forest. (2 hour cooldown on spawning)
There is alot more features, might have forgot something.
I was working on adding a tent system, but had to recreate the whole work, so I never started again.

Known Bug:
Hunting System - When you /hunt you get more meat than you should, never took the time to fix that.
/stats - Tried to recreate it in dialogs, but never finished. So there is no /stats

[SWE]Alexzz - Coding the script from the first place
Jackob - Making the map
Lorenc_ - Creating the registration system tutorial
****** - Making SSCANF2
Incognito - Making the streamer plugin
Zeex - Making ZCMD include
And me for editing it and fixing it up.
The coding is really old, just so you know.

Thanks to some of the SA-MP community members for helping me with the issues I had !

Click below to download the GM


If you got the error about missing the colors.inc, copy it from HERE

Messages In This Thread
Island Survival Roleplay - by RedWolfX - 24.06.2013, 12:33
Re: Island Survival Roleplay - by lilt074life - 24.06.2013, 12:50
Re: Island Survival Roleplay - by Donvalley - 24.06.2013, 13:20
Re: Island Survival Roleplay - by Stanford - 24.06.2013, 13:26
Re: Island Survival Roleplay - by Broker - 24.06.2013, 13:30
Re : Island Survival Roleplay - by KimSangBum - 24.06.2013, 13:49
Re: Island Survival Roleplay - by RedWolfX - 24.06.2013, 14:15
Re: Island Survival Roleplay - by OpticKiller - 24.06.2013, 17:23
Re: Island Survival Roleplay - by xser - 25.06.2013, 05:47
Re: Island Survival Roleplay - by K3 - 25.06.2013, 05:51
Re: Island Survival Roleplay - by RedWolfX - 27.06.2013, 14:46
Re: Island Survival Roleplay - by VenomMancer - 27.06.2013, 16:50
Re: Island Survival Roleplay - by Hardy - 28.06.2013, 20:26
Re: Island Survival Roleplay - by Oscii - 29.06.2013, 10:48
Re: Island Survival Roleplay - by [COD]MaJoR.John - 29.06.2013, 10:53
Re: Island Survival Roleplay - by GODEX - 29.06.2013, 11:28
Re: Island Survival Roleplay - by RedWolfX - 29.06.2013, 19:03
Re: Island Survival Roleplay - by ScRipTeRi - 29.06.2013, 19:05
Re: Island Survival Roleplay - by RedWolfX - 02.07.2013, 18:51
Re: Island Survival Roleplay - by TheChimpJr - 02.07.2013, 20:46
Re: Island Survival Roleplay - by Tamer - 02.07.2013, 21:13
Re: Island Survival Roleplay - by RedWolfX - 02.07.2013, 22:07
Re: Island Survival Roleplay - by sam1929 - 03.07.2013, 02:38
Re: Island Survival Roleplay - by Tamer - 03.07.2013, 09:54
Re: Island Survival Roleplay - by Craker - 03.07.2013, 10:52
Re: Island Survival Roleplay - by RedWolfX - 03.07.2013, 11:58
Re: Island Survival Roleplay - by GODEX - 04.07.2013, 02:59
Re: Island Survival Roleplay - by nrg700 - 06.07.2013, 07:58
Re: Island Survival Roleplay - by Mckarlis - 06.07.2013, 08:26
Re: Island Survival Roleplay - by VatoGomez - 06.07.2013, 11:58
Re: Island Survival Roleplay - by lQs - 09.07.2013, 13:41
Re: Island Survival Roleplay - by 2jesper2 - 19.07.2013, 12:30
Re: Island Survival Roleplay - by FaceTutorialz - 24.07.2013, 22:01
Re: Island Survival Roleplay - by Micsi - 26.07.2013, 09:23
Re: Island Survival Roleplay - by Vedzo - 26.07.2013, 10:07
Re: Island Survival Roleplay - by RedWolfX - 31.07.2013, 17:08
Re: Island Survival Roleplay - by Dezerian - 01.08.2013, 15:30
Re: Island Survival Roleplay - by d711728 - 01.08.2013, 19:20
Re: Island Survival Roleplay - by kkha - 26.09.2013, 09:39
Re: Island Survival Roleplay - by Voxel - 26.09.2013, 10:17
Re: Island Survival Roleplay - by Stream - 26.09.2013, 11:53
Re: Island Survival Roleplay - by RedWolfX - 27.09.2013, 10:04
Re: Island Survival Roleplay - by Tutrix - 27.09.2013, 10:13
Re: Island Survival Roleplay - by toi - 27.09.2013, 11:36
Re: Island Survival Roleplay - by Voxel - 27.09.2013, 11:39
Re: Island Survival Roleplay - by Fitri - 27.09.2013, 15:41
Re: Island Survival Roleplay - by RedWolfX - 27.09.2013, 16:24

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