Looking to join in a growing RP community

Hey there guys! I'm posting this because I want to join a growing roleplay community. Here is a little info about me, I will turn 17 in 16th of October 2013. I am a developer, great administrator, dedicated to what I do. I have few requirements for the community that's going to invite me.

1. Have at least 20 PB.
2. Have a .com, .net, .org domain name.
3. Don't be a home hosted server that can't handle it.
4. The owner has to be mature, not a 12yr old that can't manage anything.

Positions I can take(assign me to one of them):
1. Head Developer
2. Head/Senior Administrator
3. Chief Beta Tester /w Server Mod on the main server

My contacts:

Skype: bgtracker1
SAMP: Just PM me

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