[FilterScript] System Taser by DE18

Hello all and all I have to present my first filterscript, it is certainly simple but quite useful for a RolePlay.


You simply do the /ta or /tazer and a tazer you to appear in the hands and when you hit someone that the taser the player. And /etazer to remove the tazer.


You will need to include OnPlayerShootPlayer available here: https://sampforum.blast.hk/showthread.php?pid=937824#pid937824

You also need to add or not a system ini because I have not been because I do not know what you use and what is the y_ini me, So you add your Path like that it will be that the police can use.


Pastebin: http://pastebin.com/s3D89ym3

So, do not forget to rate it could help me for my next FS

Sorry for my bad english ... : ****** Traduction !

Messages In This Thread
System Taser by DE18 - by DiamantEspace18 - 21.06.2013, 14:50
Re: System Taser by DE18 - by CrewMaster - 21.06.2013, 14:54
Re : System Taser by DE18 - by DiamantEspace18 - 21.06.2013, 14:55
Re: System Taser by DE18 - by wups - 21.06.2013, 17:30
Re : System Taser by DE18 - by DiamantEspace18 - 21.06.2013, 20:22

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