20.06.2013, 09:15
Yes, but i think here is that people, who can do it..
stock LoadModelSelectionMenu(f_name[]) { new File:f, str[75]; format(str, sizeof(str), "%s", f_name); f = fopen(str, io_read); if( !f ) { printf("-mSelection- WARNING: Failed to load list: \"%s\"", f_name); return mS_INVALID_LISTID; } if(gListAmount >= mS_TOTAL_LISTS) { printf("-mSelection- WARNING: Reached maximum amount of lists, increase \"mS_TOTAL_LISTS\"", f_name); return mS_INVALID_LISTID; } new tmp_ItemAmount = gItemAmount; // copy value if loading fails new line[128], idxx; while(fread(f,line,sizeof(line),false)) { if(tmp_ItemAmount >= mS_TOTAL_ITEMS) { printf("-mSelection- WARNING: Reached maximum amount of items, increase \"mS_TOTAL_ITEMS\"", f_name); break; } idxx = 0; if(!line[0]) continue; new mID = strval( mS_strtok(line,idxx) ); if(0 <= mID < 20000) { gItemListg[tmp_ItemAmount][mS_ITEM_MODEL] = mID; new tmp_mS_strtok[20]; new Float:mRotation[3], Float:mZoom = 1.0; new bool:useRotation = false; tmp_mS_strtok = mS_strtok(line,idxx); if(tmp_mS_strtok[0]) { useRotation = true; mRotation[0] = floatstr(tmp_mS_strtok); } tmp_mS_strtok = mS_strtok(line,idxx); if(tmp_mS_strtok[0]) { useRotation = true; mRotation[1] = floatstr(tmp_mS_strtok); } tmp_mS_strtok = mS_strtok(line,idxx); if(tmp_mS_strtok[0]) { useRotation = true; mRotation[2] = floatstr(tmp_mS_strtok); } tmp_mS_strtok = mS_strtok(line,idxx); if(tmp_mS_strtok[0]) { useRotation = true; mZoom = floatstr(tmp_mS_strtok); } if(useRotation) { new bool:foundRotZoom = false; for(new i=0; i < gRotZoomAmount; i++) { if(gRotZoom[i][0] == mRotation[0] && gRotZoom[i][1] == mRotation[1] && gRotZoom[i][2] == mRotation[2] && gRotZoom[i][3] == mZoom) { foundRotZoom = true; gItemListg[tmp_ItemAmount][mS_ITEM_ROT_ZOOM_ID] = i; break; } } if(gRotZoomAmount < mS_TOTAL_ROT_ZOOM) { if(!foundRotZoom) { gRotZoom[gRotZoomAmount][0] = mRotation[0]; gRotZoom[gRotZoomAmount][1] = mRotation[1]; gRotZoom[gRotZoomAmount][2] = mRotation[2]; gRotZoom[gRotZoomAmount][3] = mZoom; gItemListg[tmp_ItemAmount][mS_ITEM_ROT_ZOOM_ID] = gRotZoomAmount; gRotZoomAmount++; } } else print("-mSelection- WARNING: Not able to save rotation/zoom information. Reached maximum rotation/zoom information count. Increase '#define mS_TOTAL_ROT_ZOOM' to fix the issue"); } else gItemListg[tmp_ItemAmount][mS_ITEM_ROT_ZOOM_ID] = -1; tmp_ItemAmount++; } } if(tmp_ItemAmount > gItemAmount) // any models loaded ? { gLists[gListAmount][mS_LIST_START] = gItemAmount; gItemAmount = tmp_ItemAmount; // copy back gLists[gListAmount][mS_LIST_END] = (gItemAmount-1); gListAmount++; return (gListAmount-1); } printf("-mSelection- WARNING: No Items found in file: %s", f_name); return mS_INVALID_LISTID; }