Woah! My CMDS are not working!

There's nothing wrong with his returns that I know of.
    if(IsPlayerInRangeOfPoint(playerid, 3.0, 1847.7333,-1761.9608,13.5469))
        SetPlayerPos(playerid, 1889.0286,-1782.9777,25.7911);//Naar boven
        SetPlayerInterior(playerid, 0);
        SendClientMessage(playerid, COLOR_GREEN, "*You use the elevator to get on the roof*");
        return 1; // This is to prevent the code from further executing.
    SendClientMessage(playerid,0xFFFFFF00,"DEBUG: Not in range!"); //If the IsPlayerInRangeOfPoint check fails, 
     // ..the script will fall through to this message and finally return. We don't want to see this when they're in range.
    return 1;
Read the comments.

Messages In This Thread
Woah! My CMDS are not working! - by Songason - 18.06.2013, 14:09
Re: Woah! My CMDS are not working! - by Littlehelper - 18.06.2013, 14:12
AW: Woah! My CMDS are not working! - by Blackazur - 18.06.2013, 14:14
Re: AW: Woah! My CMDS are not working! - by Songason - 18.06.2013, 14:15
Re: Woah! My CMDS are not working! - by Enforcer501 - 18.06.2013, 14:31
Re: Woah! My CMDS are not working! - by Pottus - 18.06.2013, 14:42
Re: Woah! My CMDS are not working! - by Enforcer501 - 18.06.2013, 14:49
Re: Woah! My CMDS are not working! - by Pottus - 18.06.2013, 14:56

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