Earn $money if you help

Okay so im currently connect to the database verything is fine.

Only that the player stats dont save.

Its on a public called under saveplayerstats.

But for some reason it wont save it, it saves the password at the begining but not anything else after

stock SavePlayerStats(playerid)
    if(PlayerInfo[playerid][LoggedIn] == false) return 0;
 	format(megastr,sizeof(megastr),"UPDATE `users` SET LastLogin = %d,AdminLevel = %d,VIPLevel = %d,eSex = %d WHERE Username = '%s'", gettime(),PlayerInfo[playerid][eAdminLevel],PlayerInfo[playerid][eVIPLevel],PlayerInfo[playerid][eSex],PlayerInfo[playerid],PlayerInfo[playerid][eRank], PlayerName(playerid));
	mysql_function_query(gSQLHandle, megastr, false, "SavePlayer", "ii", playerid, PlayerInfo[playerid][M_SYNC]);
	return 1;
Or is it to do with the loading?

function LoadPlayer(playerid, p_sync)
    if(PlayerInfo[playerid][M_SYNC] != p_sync)
		printf("[ERROR] LoadPlayer called - Unsynced ID (%d)", playerid);
		return 1;

    print("LoadPlayer called");
    new fields, rows, fetch[MAX_STRING];
    cache_get_data(rows, fields, gSQLHandle);

		PlayerInfo[playerid][Registered] = 1;

		cache_get_field_content(0, "ID", fetch, gSQLHandle, MAX_STRING);
		PlayerInfo[playerid][pID] = strval(fetch);

		cache_get_field_content(0, "AdminLevel", fetch, gSQLHandle, MAX_STRING);
		PlayerInfo[playerid][eAdminLevel] = strval(fetch);

		cache_get_field_content(0, "VIPLevel", fetch, gSQLHandle, MAX_STRING);
		PlayerInfo[playerid][eVIPLevel] = strval(fetch);

		cache_get_field_content(0, "eSex", fetch, gSQLHandle, MAX_STRING);
		PlayerInfo[playerid][eSex] = strval(fetch);

		cache_get_field_content(0, "Faction", fetch, gSQLHandle, MAX_STRING);
		PlayerInfo[playerid][eFaction] = strval(fetch);

		cache_get_field_content(0, "FactionLeader", fetch, gSQLHandle, MAX_STRING);
		PlayerInfo[playerid][eFactionLeader] = strval(fetch);

		cache_get_field_content(0, "Rank", fetch, gSQLHandle, MAX_STRING);
		PlayerInfo[playerid][eRank] = strval(fetch);

		cache_get_field_content(0, "Developer", fetch, gSQLHandle, MAX_STRING);
		PlayerInfo[playerid][eDev] = strval(fetch);


		PlayerInfo[playerid][Registered] = 0;

		if(PlayerInfo[playerid][Spawned] == false && PlayerInfo[playerid][eSkin] >= 0)

	return 1;
I will pay you, if you help me find the right solution.

Messages In This Thread
Earn $money if you help - by Ciandlah - 18.06.2013, 11:31
Re: Earn $money if you help - by JimmyCh - 18.06.2013, 12:22
Re: Earn $money if you help - by CONTROLA - 18.06.2013, 13:21
Re: Earn $money if you help - by Ciandlah - 18.06.2013, 14:39

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