SetTimer for so many days?

Save the expiration date and time into a player file, load it after the player has connected, and use it to check in your command instead setting the expiration time and check it after someone attempted to type this command...

Messages In This Thread
SetTimer for so many days? - by Goldilox - 17.06.2013, 05:18
Respuesta: SetTimer for so many days? - by JustBored - 17.06.2013, 05:26
Re: SetTimer for so many days? - by MP2 - 17.06.2013, 05:35
Re: SetTimer for so many days? - by Goldilox - 17.06.2013, 20:19
AW: SetTimer for so many days? - by BigETI - 17.06.2013, 20:28
Re: SetTimer for so many days? - by Goldilox - 17.06.2013, 21:02
AW: SetTimer for so many days? - by BigETI - 17.06.2013, 22:51
Re: SetTimer for so many days? - by cessil - 17.06.2013, 23:26
Re: SetTimer for so many days? - by Goldilox - 18.06.2013, 16:27

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