Dialog with timer?


I have a dialog which is opened by pressing H within a range. That will open up the dialog with neons and spoilers to attach to your vehicle. I've now created this:
			SetVehiclePos(GetPlayerVehicleID(playerid), -2483.3093,2242.4661,4.5107);
			SetVehicleZAngle(GetPlayerVehicleID(playerid), 300.4299);
			SetPlayerCameraPos(playerid, -2479.7175,2248.1313,4.9844);
			SetPlayerCameraLookAt(playerid, -2483.3093,2242.4661,4.5107);
Most of you know what that means.. anyways, I have to SetCameraBehindPlayer each time they pick something from the dialog because the it closes everytime somethings on the list has been chosen. I want a little timer on 2 seconds which does this:

A player goes into the garage to open the dialog. His car gets set where it should and so does the camera. He then chooses for example a spoiler, and the dialog will close in 2 seconds, then come back up, so he can choose another thing. How can I do this? - Had to use a little story, hard to explain, heh

EDIT: Do I have to use timer to do this? or are there other options?


Messages In This Thread
Dialog with timer? - by Kudoz - 16.06.2013, 18:56
Re: Dialog with timer? - by Kudoz - 16.06.2013, 20:00
Re: Dialog with timer? - by Kudoz - 22.07.2013, 17:53

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