Possible to escape %i ?

I'm trying to do some MySQL queries that will fetch the date of a timestamp.
So, for that, I am using this in the query "FROM_UNIXTIME(`start`, '%d/%m/%y %H:%i')"
As you can see, it contains %i which it uses to give me minutes, however since SA-MP also uses %i for integers, it is replacing what should be "%d/%m/%y %H:%i" with "%d/%m/%y %H:2'" (due to an integer placement further along the query)

Is there any way of getting around this?
I am formatting it with mysql_format, but also tried strcat and format

Messages In This Thread
Possible to escape %i ? - by iTorran - 16.06.2013, 16:40
Re: Possible to escape %i ? - by iTorran - 16.06.2013, 18:38

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