16.06.2013, 00:13
// This include file holds all functions for doing convoys
forward Quadrilha_Timer(Quadrilha);
// This function is called only once and is used to setup the textdraws and default data for Quadrilhas
for (new i; i < MAX_QUADRILHAS; i++)
AQuadrilhas[i][QuadrilhaTextLeader] = TextDrawCreate(320.0, 1.0, " "); // Create the textdraw for the leader
TextDrawSetShadow(AQuadrilhas[i][QuadrilhaTextLeader], 1); // Reduce the shadow to 1
TextDrawAlignment(AQuadrilhas[i][QuadrilhaTextLeader], 2); // Align the Quadrilha-infobar to the center for the leader
AQuadrilhas[i][QuadrilhaTextMember] = TextDrawCreate(320.0, 1.0, " "); // Create the textdraw for the members
TextDrawSetShadow(AQuadrilhas[i][QuadrilhaTextLeader], 1); // Reduce the shadow to 1
TextDrawAlignment(AQuadrilhas[i][QuadrilhaTextMember], 2); // Align the Quadrilha-infobar to the center for the members
TextDrawBackgroundColor(AQuadrilhas[i][QuadrilhaTextMember], 255);
TextDrawFont(AQuadrilhas[i][QuadrilhaTextMember], 1);
TextDrawLetterSize(AQuadrilhas[i][QuadrilhaTextMember], 0.390000, 1.300000);
TextDrawSetOutline(AQuadrilhas[i][QuadrilhaTextMember], 1);
TextDrawSetProportional(AQuadrilhas[i][QuadrilhaTextMember], 1);
TextDrawBackgroundColor(AQuadrilhas[i][QuadrilhaTextLeader], 255);
TextDrawFont(AQuadrilhas[i][QuadrilhaTextLeader], 1);
TextDrawLetterSize(AQuadrilhas[i][QuadrilhaTextLeader], 0.390000, 1.300000);
TextDrawSetOutline(AQuadrilhas[i][QuadrilhaTextLeader], 1);
TextDrawSetProportional(AQuadrilhas[i][QuadrilhaTextLeader], 1);
// This function is used when a player selected an empty Quadrilha-slot (the player will start the Quadrilha and become the leader)
Quadrilha_Create(playerid, Quadrilha)
// Setup local variables
new Name[24], Msg[128];
// Get the name of the player
GetPlayerName(playerid, Name, sizeof(Name));
// Check if the player is allowed to create a Quadrilha (he must be a trucker without a job and not part of a Quadrilha yet)
if (Quadrilha_PlayerAllowed(playerid))
// Set Status1 of the Quadrilha to "open"
AQuadrilhas[Quadrilha][Status1] = QUADRILHA_OPEN;
// Set the player as leader of the Quadrilha
AQuadrilhas[Quadrilha][Memberss][0] = playerid;
// Set the player as a member of a Quadrilha
APlayerData[playerid][InQuadrilha] = true;
APlayerData[playerid][QuadrilhaID] = Quadrilha;
// Set all other member-indices to "-1" (no player yet)
for (new i = 1; i < QUADRILHA_MAX_MEMBERS; i++)
AQuadrilhas[Quadrilha][Memberss][i] = -1;
// Start the Quadrilha-timer (this timer updates and checks everything for the whole convoy), it runs every second
AQuadrilhas[Quadrilha][QuadrilhaTimer] = SetTimerEx("Quadrilha_Timer", 1000, true, "i", Quadrilha);
// Let all players know that this player wants to start a convoy
format(Msg, 128, TXT_PlayerStartsQuadrilha, Name);
SendClientMessageToAll(0xFFFFFFFF, Msg);
// This function is used to let another player join a convoy
Quadrilha_Join(playerid, Quadrilha)
// Setup local variables
new Name[24], Msg[128];
// Get the name of the player
GetPlayerName(playerid, Name, sizeof(Name));
// Check if the player is allowed to join the convoy (he must be a trucker without a job and not part of a convoy yet)
if (Quadrilha_PlayerAllowed(playerid))
// Check if the convoy isn't full already
if (Quadrilha_CountMembers(Quadrilha) < QUADRILHA_MAX_MEMBERS)
// Inform all the members of the convoy that this player joined the convoy
format(Msg, 128, TXT_PlayerJoinedQuadrilha, Name);
Quadrilha_SendMessage(Quadrilha, Msg);
// Inform the player that he joined the convoy
SendClientMessage(playerid, 0xFFFFFFFF, TXT_YouJoinedQuadrilha);
// Set the player as member of the convoy (find a free spot for this player)
for (new i; i < QUADRILHA_MAX_MEMBERS; i++)
if (AQuadrilhas[Quadrilha][Memberss][i] == -1) // Check if this member-spot is empty
AQuadrilhas[Quadrilha][Memberss][i] = playerid; // Put the player in this member-spot
break; // Stop the for-loop
// Set the player as a member of a convoy
APlayerData[playerid][InQuadrilha] = true;
APlayerData[playerid][QuadrilhaID] = Quadrilha;
// Set the QuadrilhaStatus1 as "Full" if all member-spots are occupied
if (Quadrilha_CountMembers(Quadrilha) == QUADRILHA_MAX_MEMBERS)
AQuadrilhas[Quadrilha][Status1] = QUADRILHA_FULL;
// Also update the player's missiontext to inform the player that he must wait for the leader to start a job
TextDrawSetString(APlayerData[playerid][MissionText], TXT_WaitingLeaderJob);
SendClientMessage(playerid, 0xFFFFFFFF, TXT_QuadrilhaFull);
// This function is used to let a player leave a convoy (when he disconnects, finishes the convoy, when he dies, ...)
// Setup local variables
new Quadrilha, NumMemberss, MemberID;
// First theck if the player is part of a convoy
if (APlayerData[playerid][InQuadrilha] == false)
return 1; // Exit the function if the player isn't part of a convoy
// Get the convoy-id from the player
Quadrilha = APlayerData[playerid][QuadrilhaID];
// Get the number of members in the convoy
NumMemberss = Quadrilha_CountMembers(Quadrilha);
// If there is only 1 member in the convoy (convoy will have no members if this one leaves), cancel the convoy
if (NumMemberss == 1)
// Cancel the convoy
// Exit the function
return 1;
// Remove the player from the convoy
APlayerData[playerid][InQuadrilha] = false;
APlayerData[playerid][QuadrilhaID] = 0;
// Hide both convoy-textdraws (for leader and members) as the member leaves the convoy
TextDrawHideForPlayer(playerid, AQuadrilhas[Quadrilha][QuadrilhaTextLeader]);
TextDrawHideForPlayer(playerid, AQuadrilhas[Quadrilha][QuadrilhaTextMember]);
// Also update the player's missiontext to inform the player that he can start a job now (if there isn't a job started)
if (APlayerData[playerid][JobStarted] == false)
TextDrawSetString(APlayerData[playerid][MissionText], Mafia_NoJobText);
// If the player is the leader
if (AQuadrilhas[Quadrilha][Memberss][0] == playerid)
// Set another player as leader
for (new j = 1; j < QUADRILHA_MAX_MEMBERS; j++)
// Get the playerid of the member
MemberID = AQuadrilhas[Quadrilha][Memberss][j];
if (MemberID != -1) // If a valid playerid is found
// Hide the member-textdraw as the member just became the leader
TextDrawHideForPlayer(MemberID, AQuadrilhas[Quadrilha][QuadrilhaTextMember]);
// Set this member as leader
AQuadrilhas[Quadrilha][Memberss][0] = MemberID;
// Clear this index, or the player would be twice in the same convoy
AQuadrilhas[Quadrilha][Memberss][j] = -1;
// Exit the function
return 1;
else // The leaving player isn't the leader
// Find the player inside the convoy
for (new i = 1; i < QUADRILHA_MAX_MEMBERS; i++)
// If the current player is this player
if (AQuadrilhas[Quadrilha][Memberss][i] == playerid)
// Reset the stored playerid in the convoy
AQuadrilhas[Quadrilha][Memberss][i] = -1;
// Stop the job for this player (all data gets cleared, including the missiontext)
return 1; // Exit the function
return 1;
// This function cancels the convoy, kicking every member in it
// Setup local variables
new MemberID;
// Loop through all members
for (new i; i < QUADRILHA_MAX_MEMBERS; i++)
// Get the member's playerid
MemberID = AQuadrilhas[Quadrilha][Memberss][i];
// If a valid playerid is found
if (MemberID != -1)
// Remove the player from the convoy
APlayerData[MemberID][InQuadrilha] = false;
APlayerData[MemberID][QuadrilhaID] = 0;
// Hide both convoy-textdraws (for leader and members)
TextDrawHideForPlayer(MemberID, AQuadrilhas[Quadrilha][QuadrilhaTextLeader]);
TextDrawHideForPlayer(MemberID, AQuadrilhas[Quadrilha][QuadrilhaTextMember]);
// Cancel the trucker-job
// Reset the stored playerid in the convoy
AQuadrilhas[Quadrilha][Memberss][i] = -1;
// Send the member a message that the convoy was cancelled by the leader
SendClientMessage(MemberID, 0xFFFFFFFF, TXT_LeaderCancelledQuadrilha);
// Clear all the data of the convoy
AQuadrilhas[Quadrilha][LoadID] = 0;
AQuadrilhas[Quadrilha][Location1] = 0;
AQuadrilhas[Quadrilha][Location2] = 0;
AQuadrilhas[Quadrilha][Status1] = QUADRILHA_EMPTY;
AQuadrilhas[Quadrilha][QuadrilhaStep] = 0;
AQuadrilhas[Quadrilha][TrailerModel] = 0;
AQuadrilhas[Quadrilha][LeaderInformedTrailers] = false;
// Kill the convoy-timer
// This function is called for every member when the leader of the convoy started a job (missiontext is updated, loading-checkpoint is created, ...
Quadrilha_StartMemberJob(playerid, Quadrilha)
// Setup local variables
new StartLoc[50], EndLoc[50], Load[50], RouteText[255], Float, Float:y, Float:z, LoadMsg[128];
// Job has started
APlayerData[playerid][JobStarted] = true;
// Copy the convoy-data to this player
APlayerData[playerid][LoadID] = AQuadrilhas[Quadrilha][LoadID];
APlayerData[playerid][JobLoc1] = AQuadrilhas[Quadrilha][Location1];
APlayerData[playerid][JobLoc2] = AQuadrilhas[Quadrilha][Location2];
// Store the vehicleID (required to be able to check if the player left his vehicle)
APlayerData[playerid][VehicleID] = GetPlayerVehicleID(playerid);
// Store the trailerID (required to be able to check if the player lost his trailer)
APlayerData[playerid][TrailerID] = GetVehicleTrailer(GetPlayerVehicleID(playerid));
// Set jobstep to 1 (going to load the goods)
APlayerData[playerid][JobStep] = 1;
// Get the startlocation, endlocation and the load texts
format(StartLoc, 50, ALocations[APlayerData[playerid][JobLoc1]][LocationName]);
format(EndLoc, 50, ALocations[APlayerData[playerid][JobLoc2]][LocationName]);
format(Load, 50, ALoads[APlayerData[playerid][LoadID]][LoadName]);
// Combine it all into a string for the TextDraw (the player can see this all the time) to describe the mission
format(RouteText, 255, TXT_HaulingCargoFromToPickup, Load, StartLoc, EndLoc);
// Set the TextDraw so the player can see it
TextDrawSetString(APlayerData[playerid][MissionText], RouteText);
// Grab the x, y, z positions for the first location
x = ALocations[APlayerData[playerid][JobLoc1]][LocX];
y = ALocations[APlayerData[playerid][JobLoc1]][LocY];
z = ALocations[APlayerData[playerid][JobLoc1]][LocZ];
// Create a checkpoint where the player should load the goods
SetPlayerCheckpoint(playerid, x, y, z, 7);
// Set the job-fail-time for the global vehicle-timer
APlayerData[playerid][VehicleTimerTime] = Job_TimeToFailMission;
// Inform the player that he must load his goods
format(LoadMsg, 128, TXT_PickupCargoAt, Load, StartLoc);
SendClientMessage(playerid, 0xFFFFFFFF, LoadMsg);
SendClientMessage(playerid, 0xFFFFFFFF, TXT_MeetOtherQuadrilhaMembers);
// This function is called when all convoy-members have loaded their cargo (it updates the missiontext and creates the unload-checkpoint)
// Setup local variables
new StartLoc[50], EndLoc[50], Load[50], RouteText[255], Float, Float:y, Float:z, UnloadMsg[128];
// Set the jobstep to 3 (going to unload the cargo at the destination)
APlayerData[playerid][JobStep] = 3;
// Get the startlocation, endlocation and the load texts
format(StartLoc, 50, ALocations[APlayerData[playerid][JobLoc1]][LocationName]);
format(EndLoc, 50, ALocations[APlayerData[playerid][JobLoc2]][LocationName]);
format(Load, 50, ALoads[APlayerData[playerid][LoadID]][LoadName]);
// Update the missiontext
format(RouteText, 255, TXT_HaulingCargoFromToDeliver, Load, StartLoc, EndLoc);
// Set the TextDraw so the player can see it
TextDrawSetString(APlayerData[playerid][MissionText], RouteText);
// Grab the x, y, z positions for the second location (to unload the goods)
x = ALocations[APlayerData[playerid][JobLoc2]][LocX];
y = ALocations[APlayerData[playerid][JobLoc2]][LocY];
z = ALocations[APlayerData[playerid][JobLoc2]][LocZ];
// Create a checkpoint where the player should unload the goods
SetPlayerCheckpoint(playerid, x, y, z, 7);
// Inform the player that he must unload his goods
format(UnloadMsg, 128, TXT_DeliverCargoTo, Load, EndLoc);
SendClientMessage(playerid, 0xFFFFFFFF, UnloadMsg);
// This is the timer used by every convoy (it updates and checks everything), is executed every 2.5 seconds
public Quadrilha_Timer(Quadrilha)
// Setup local variables
new LeaderID, MemberID;
// Update the textdraws for all convoy members
// Get the leader-id
LeaderID = AQuadrilhas[Quadrilha][Memberss][0];
// Check the jobstep for the entire convoy
switch (AQuadrilhas[Quadrilha][QuadrilhaStep])
case 0: // Quadrilha has just been created, but a job hasn't started yet by the leader
new bool:AllSameTrailer = true;
// Keep checking if the leader has started a job already
if (APlayerData[LeaderID][JobStarted] == true)
// Copy the job-data from the leader to the convoy
AQuadrilhas[Quadrilha][LoadID] = APlayerData[LeaderID][LoadID];
AQuadrilhas[Quadrilha][Location1] = APlayerData[LeaderID][JobLoc1];
AQuadrilhas[Quadrilha][Location2] = APlayerData[LeaderID][JobLoc2];
// Set the trailer-model required by all members to the convoy
AQuadrilhas[Quadrilha][TrailerModel] = GetVehicleModel(GetVehicleTrailer(GetPlayerVehicle ID(LeaderID)));
// First check if the leader has a trailer attached or not
if (AQuadrilhas[Quadrilha][TrailerModel] != 0)
// First check if all players have the correct trailer (except for the leader)
for (new i = 1; i < QUADRILHA_MAX_MEMBERS; i++)
MemberID = AQuadrilhas[Quadrilha][Memberss][i]; // Get the member-id from this member-spot
if (MemberID != -1) // Check if the member-id is a valid playerid
// Check if the player has the same trailer-model attached to his vehicle as the convoy requires
if (GetVehicleModel(GetVehicleTrailer(GetPlayerVehicl eID(MemberID))) != AQuadrilhas[Quadrilha][TrailerModel])
// Inform the player that he hasn't got the correct trailer
switch (AQuadrilhas[Quadrilha][TrailerModel])
case VehicleTrailerCargo, VehicleTrailerCargo2: TextDrawSetString(APlayerData[MemberID][MissionText], TXT_MemberNeedsCargoTrailer);
case VehicleTrailerOre: TextDrawSetString(APlayerData[MemberID][MissionText], TXT_MemberNeedsOreTrailer);
case VehicleTrailerFluids: TextDrawSetString(APlayerData[MemberID][MissionText], TXT_MemberNeedsFluidsTrailer);
// Not everyone has the same trailer
AllSameTrailer = false;
else // Leader has no trailer attached, so check for the vehiclemodel
// First check if all players have the correct trailer (except for the leader)
for (new i = 1; i < QUADRILHA_MAX_MEMBERS; i++)
MemberID = AQuadrilhas[Quadrilha][Memberss][i]; // Get the member-id from this member-spot
if (MemberID != -1) // Check if the member-id is a valid playerid
// Get the vehiclemodel of the member
new vModel = GetVehicleModel(GetPlayerVehicleID(MemberID));
// Check if the member has a valid trucking vehicle (flatbed or DFT30)
switch (vModel)
case VehicleFlatbed, VehicleDFT30: AllSameTrailer = true;
TextDrawSetString(APlayerData[MemberID][MissionText], "You need a Flatbed or DFT-30");
AllSameTrailer = false;
// If all members have the same trailer
if (AllSameTrailer == true)
// Inform the leader that everyone has the same trailer
SendClientMessage(LeaderID, 0xFFFFFFFF, TXT_AllMembersSameTrailer);
// Start the same job for every member if they all have the same trailer
for (new i = 1; i < QUADRILHA_MAX_MEMBERS; i++)
MemberID = AQuadrilhas[Quadrilha][Memberss][i]; // Get the member-id from this member-spot
if (MemberID != -1) // Check if the member-id is a valid playerid
Quadrilha_StartMemberJob(MemberID, Quadrilha); // Start the job for the member
// Select the next step for the convoy (all members are now en-route to the loading-point)
AQuadrilhas[Quadrilha][QuadrilhaStep] = 1;
// Also close the convoy so no more members can join
AQuadrilhas[Quadrilha][Status1] = QUADRILHA_CLOSED;
// Check if the leader has been informed already that not all members have the same trailer
if (AQuadrilhas[Quadrilha][LeaderInformedTrailers] == false)
// Inform the leader that not every member has the same trailer, convoy cannot start yet
SendClientMessage(LeaderID, 0xFFFFFFFF, TXT_AllMembersNotSameTrailer);
AQuadrilhas[Quadrilha][LeaderInformedTrailers] = true; // Leader is informed now
case 1: // Everyone has received their job-data (but haven't loaded their cargo yet)
new bool:AllMembersLoaded = true;
// Check if everyone has loaded their cargo before moving on to QuadrilhaStep 2
for (new i; i < QUADRILHA_MAX_MEMBERS; i++)
MemberID = AQuadrilhas[Quadrilha][Memberss][i]; // Get the playerid of the member
if (MemberID != -1) // Check if the memberid is a valid id
if (APlayerData[MemberID][JobStep] != 2) // Check if the player hasn't loaded his cargo yet
AllMembersLoaded = false; // Not all members have loaded their cargo yet
// Check if everyone has loaded their cargo
if (AllMembersLoaded == true)
// Inform the leader that everyone has the same trailer
SendClientMessage(LeaderID, 0xFFFFFFFF, TXT_AllMembersLoadedCargo);
// Update the job for every member if they all have loaded their cargo
for (new i; i < QUADRILHA_MAX_MEMBERS; i++)
MemberID = AQuadrilhas[Quadrilha][Memberss][i]; // Get the member-id from this member-spot
if (MemberID != -1) // Check if the member-id is a valid playerid
Quadrilha_UpdateMemberJob(MemberID); // Start the job for the member
// Select the next step for the convoy (all members are now en-route to the unloading-point)
AQuadrilhas[Quadrilha][QuadrilhaStep] = 2;
case 2: // Everybody has loaded their cargo and all members have their job updated, all members are en-route to the destination
// Check if everyone is staying close to the leader and check if all members have unloaded their cargo
new bool:AllMembersUnloaded = true;
// Also check if all players have delivered their load
for (new i; i < QUADRILHA_MAX_MEMBERS; i++)
MemberID = AQuadrilhas[Quadrilha][Memberss][i]; // Get the playerid of the member
if (MemberID != -1) // Check if the memberid is a valid id
if (APlayerData[MemberID][JobStep] != 4) // Check if the player hasn't unloaded his cargo yet
AllMembersUnloaded = false; // Not all members have unloaded their cargo yet
if (AllMembersUnloaded == true) // Check if all members have unloaded their cargo (nobody cleared this variable)
AQuadrilhas[Quadrilha][QuadrilhaStep] = 3; // Set the jobstep for the entire convoy to 3 (everybody unloaded their cargo, but jobs must still be payed out)
case 3: // Everybody has unloaded their cargo (now it's time to pay all members and finish the job)
// Setup local variables
new Float1, Float:y1, Float2, Float:y2, Floatistance, Message[128], Payment, Bonus, NumMemberss, Name[24], BonusMsg[128];
// Count the number of members in the convoy
NumMemberss = Quadrilha_CountMembers(Quadrilha);
// Get the name of the convoy-leader
GetPlayerName(LeaderID, Name, sizeof(Name));
// Grab the x, y, z positions for the first location (to load the goods)
x1 = ALocations[APlayerData[LeaderID][JobLoc1]][LocX];
y1 = ALocations[APlayerData[LeaderID][JobLoc1]][LocY];
// Grab the x, y, z positions for the second location (to unload the goods)
x2 = ALocations[APlayerData[LeaderID][JobLoc2]][LocX];
y2 = ALocations[APlayerData[LeaderID][JobLoc2]][LocY];
// Calculate the distance between both points
Distance = floatsqroot(((x2 - x1) * (x2 - x1)) + ((y2 - y1) * (y2 - y1)));
// Calculate the payment for the player
Payment = floatround((Distance * ALoads[APlayerData[LeaderID][LoadID]][PayPerUnit]), floatround_floor);
// Check if the convoy has done the bonus mission
if (RandomBonusMission[MissionFinished] == false)
// Check all paramters (load, startlocation and end-location)
if (RandomBonusMission[RandomLoad] == APlayerData[LeaderID][LoadID])
if (RandomBonusMission[RandomStartLoc] == APlayerData[LeaderID][JobLoc1])
if (RandomBonusMission[RandomEndLoc] == APlayerData[LeaderID][JobLoc2])
Payment = Payment * 2; // Double the payment is the player was the first to do the bonus mission
RandomBonusMission[MissionFinished] = true; // Only one player/convoy can do the bonus mission, a new one is chosen next
format(BonusMsg, 128, "{808080}O Comboio do Lider {FFFFFF}%s{808080} Completou a Missao Bonus", Name);
SendClientMessageToAll(0xFFFFFFFF, BonusMsg);
// Calculate convoy-bonus (standard payment of 100% and 25% extra for each convoy-member)
Bonus = (NumMemberss * 25) + 100; // For every member, 25% bonus is added to the payment, on top of the standard payment
// Calculate total payment for each member
Payment = (Payment * Bonus) / 100;
// Pay every member and finish their mission
for (new i; i < QUADRILHA_MAX_MEMBERS; i++)
MemberID = AQuadrilhas[Quadrilha][Memberss][i]; // Get the playerid of the member
if (MemberID != -1) // Check if the memberid is a valid id
// Reward the player (give cash and points)
RewardPlayer(MemberID, Payment, 5);
// Increase the stats for completing a trucking job while in a convoy
// Also save the data (in case the server crashes, progress would be lost)
// End the member's job
// Send a message to let the player know he finished his mission and got paid
format(Message, 128, TXT_FinishedQuadrilha, Payment);
SendClientMessage(MemberID, 0xFFFFFFFF, Message);
// Also update the player's missiontext to inform the player that he must wait for the leader to start a job
if (i != 0) // Skip this if the current index is the leader (the leader doesn't have to wait for a new job)
TextDrawSetString(APlayerData[MemberID][MissionText], TXT_WaitingLeaderJob);
// Clear the data in the convoy
AQuadrilhas[Quadrilha][LoadID] = 0; // Clear the load-id
AQuadrilhas[Quadrilha][Location1] = 0; // Clear the loadingpoint id
AQuadrilhas[Quadrilha][Location2] = 0; // Clear the unloading point id
AQuadrilhas[Quadrilha][Status1] = QUADRILHA_OPEN; // Set Status1 to "open" again, so new members can join
AQuadrilhas[Quadrilha][QuadrilhaStep] = 0; // Set QuadrilhaStep to 0 (wait for a new job to be started by the leader)
AQuadrilhas[Quadrilha][TrailerModel] = 0; // Clear trailer model (the next job can be for another trailer)
AQuadrilhas[Quadrilha][LeaderInformedTrailers] = false; // Allow the leader to be informed again if not all members have the correct trailer
return 1;
// This function is used to update the textdraws for the leader and all members (used by the convoy-timer)
// Setup local variables
new LeaderID, MemberID, LeaderName[24], NumMemberss, TextLeader[128], TextMember[128], LastMember[24], LastMemberID, Floatistance;
// Get the leader-id
LeaderID = AQuadrilhas[Quadrilha][Memberss][0];
// Get the name of the convoy-leader
GetPlayerName(LeaderID, LeaderName, sizeof(LeaderName));
// Get the number of members of the convoy
NumMemberss = Quadrilha_CountMembers(Quadrilha);
// Check if there members besides the leader
if (NumMemberss > 1)
LastMemberID = Quadrilha_GetFurthestMember(Quadrilha); // Get the playerid of the member who is furthest away from the leader
GetPlayerName(LastMemberID, LastMember, sizeof(LastMember)); // Get the name of the furthest member
Distance = PlayerToPlayer(LeaderID, LastMemberID); // Get the distance to the last member
else // No other members are in the convoy yet
format(LastMember, 24, " - ");
Distance = 0.0;
// Update the convoy-textdraw for the leader
format(TextLeader, 128, TXT_LeaderQuadrilhaInfoBar, NumMemberss, LastMember, Distance);
TextDrawSetString(AQuadrilhas[Quadrilha][QuadrilhaTextLeader], TextLeader);
// Enable the convoy-textDraw for the leader
TextDrawShowForPlayer(LeaderID, AQuadrilhas[Quadrilha][QuadrilhaTextLeader]);
// Update the convoy-textdraw for every member
for (new i = 1; i < QUADRILHA_MAX_MEMBERS; i++)
MemberID = AQuadrilhas[Quadrilha][Memberss][i]; // Get the playerid of the member
if (MemberID != -1) // Check if the memberid is a valid id
// Calculate the distance to the leader
Distance = PlayerToPlayer(LeaderID, MemberID);
// Update the textdraw for the members
format(TextMember, 128, TXT_MemberQuadrilhaInfoBar, LeaderName, Distance, NumMemberss);
TextDrawSetString(AQuadrilhas[Quadrilha][QuadrilhaTextMember], TextMember);
TextDrawShowForPlayer(MemberID, AQuadrilhas[Quadrilha][QuadrilhaTextMember]);
// This function counts the members in the convoy
// Setup local variables
new NumMemberss;
// Loop through all members
for (new i; i < QUADRILHA_MAX_MEMBERS; i++)
// Check if there is a valid member-id stored (playerid)
if (AQuadrilhas[Quadrilha][Memberss][i] != -1)
NumMemberss++; // Increase the number of members
// Return the number of members to the calling routine
return NumMemberss;
// This function checks the player and determines if he's a valid trucker who's able to create or join a convoy
// Make sure that the leader is a trucker
if (APlayerData[playerid][PlayerClass] == ClassMafia)
// Check if the player isn't a member of a convoy already
if (APlayerData[playerid][InQuadrilha] == false)
// Make sure that the player hasn't started a job
if (APlayerData[playerid][JobStarted] == false)
return true; // The player is allowed to create or join a convoy
SendClientMessage(playerid, 0xFFFFFFFF, TXT_CannotJoinJobStarted);
SendClientMessage(playerid, 0xFFFFFFFF, TXT_QuadrilhaAllreadyJoined);
SendClientMessage(playerid, 0xFFFFFFFF, TXT_QuadrilhaNeedsMafiaClass);
// If any condition wasn't true, the player isn't allowed to create or join a convoy
return false;
// This function sends the given message to all members of the convoy
Quadrilha_SendMessage(Quadrilha, Message[])
// Setup local variables
new MemberID;
// Loop through all members
for (new i; i < QUADRILHA_MAX_MEMBERS; i++)
MemberID = AQuadrilhas[Quadrilha][Memberss][i]; // Get the member-id on this index
if (MemberID != -1) // Check if this member has a valid playerid
SendClientMessage(MemberID, 0xFFFFFFFF, Message); // Send the given message to the member
// This function returns "true" is the given player is the leader of the convoy
stock Quadrilha_IsLeader(playerid, Quadrilha)
// Check if the player is part of a convoy
if ((APlayerData[playerid][InQuadrilha] == true) && (AQuadrilhas[Quadrilha][Memberss][0] = playerid))
return true; // Player is in a convoy AND he's the leader of it
return false; // Player is a member of the convoy (or not in the same convoy)
// This function returns true if the player is a member of the given convoy
stock Quadrilha_IsMember(playerid, Quadrilha)
// Loop through all members (excluding the leader)
for (new i = 1; i < QUADRILHA_MAX_MEMBERS; i++)
if (AQuadrilhas[Quadrilha][Memberss][i] == playerid) // Check if this member is the given player
return true; // Return true (the player is a member of the convoy)
// If the given playerid wasn't found among the members, return false
return false;
// A function that returns the member of a convoy that's the furthest away from the leader
// Setup local variables
new Float:distance = 0.0, Float:distance2 = 0.0, LeaderID, MemberID, result = -1;
// Get the leader-id
LeaderID = AQuadrilhas[Quadrilha][Memberss][0];
// Loop through all members (excluding the leader)
for(new i = 1; i < QUADRILHA_MAX_MEMBERS; i++)
MemberID = AQuadrilhas[Quadrilha][Memberss][i]; // Get the playerid of the member
if (MemberID != -1) // Check if the memberid is a valid id
// Get the distance between leader and member
distance2 = PlayerToPlayer(LeaderID, MemberID);
// Check if the distance is bigger than the previous distance
if(distance2 > distance)
// Store the distance
distance = distance2;
// Store the member-id
result = MemberID;
// Return the vehicle-id of the closest vehicle
return result;
forward Quadrilha_Timer(Quadrilha);
// This function is called only once and is used to setup the textdraws and default data for Quadrilhas
for (new i; i < MAX_QUADRILHAS; i++)
AQuadrilhas[i][QuadrilhaTextLeader] = TextDrawCreate(320.0, 1.0, " "); // Create the textdraw for the leader
TextDrawSetShadow(AQuadrilhas[i][QuadrilhaTextLeader], 1); // Reduce the shadow to 1
TextDrawAlignment(AQuadrilhas[i][QuadrilhaTextLeader], 2); // Align the Quadrilha-infobar to the center for the leader
AQuadrilhas[i][QuadrilhaTextMember] = TextDrawCreate(320.0, 1.0, " "); // Create the textdraw for the members
TextDrawSetShadow(AQuadrilhas[i][QuadrilhaTextLeader], 1); // Reduce the shadow to 1
TextDrawAlignment(AQuadrilhas[i][QuadrilhaTextMember], 2); // Align the Quadrilha-infobar to the center for the members
TextDrawBackgroundColor(AQuadrilhas[i][QuadrilhaTextMember], 255);
TextDrawFont(AQuadrilhas[i][QuadrilhaTextMember], 1);
TextDrawLetterSize(AQuadrilhas[i][QuadrilhaTextMember], 0.390000, 1.300000);
TextDrawSetOutline(AQuadrilhas[i][QuadrilhaTextMember], 1);
TextDrawSetProportional(AQuadrilhas[i][QuadrilhaTextMember], 1);
TextDrawBackgroundColor(AQuadrilhas[i][QuadrilhaTextLeader], 255);
TextDrawFont(AQuadrilhas[i][QuadrilhaTextLeader], 1);
TextDrawLetterSize(AQuadrilhas[i][QuadrilhaTextLeader], 0.390000, 1.300000);
TextDrawSetOutline(AQuadrilhas[i][QuadrilhaTextLeader], 1);
TextDrawSetProportional(AQuadrilhas[i][QuadrilhaTextLeader], 1);
// This function is used when a player selected an empty Quadrilha-slot (the player will start the Quadrilha and become the leader)
Quadrilha_Create(playerid, Quadrilha)
// Setup local variables
new Name[24], Msg[128];
// Get the name of the player
GetPlayerName(playerid, Name, sizeof(Name));
// Check if the player is allowed to create a Quadrilha (he must be a trucker without a job and not part of a Quadrilha yet)
if (Quadrilha_PlayerAllowed(playerid))
// Set Status1 of the Quadrilha to "open"
AQuadrilhas[Quadrilha][Status1] = QUADRILHA_OPEN;
// Set the player as leader of the Quadrilha
AQuadrilhas[Quadrilha][Memberss][0] = playerid;
// Set the player as a member of a Quadrilha
APlayerData[playerid][InQuadrilha] = true;
APlayerData[playerid][QuadrilhaID] = Quadrilha;
// Set all other member-indices to "-1" (no player yet)
for (new i = 1; i < QUADRILHA_MAX_MEMBERS; i++)
AQuadrilhas[Quadrilha][Memberss][i] = -1;
// Start the Quadrilha-timer (this timer updates and checks everything for the whole convoy), it runs every second
AQuadrilhas[Quadrilha][QuadrilhaTimer] = SetTimerEx("Quadrilha_Timer", 1000, true, "i", Quadrilha);
// Let all players know that this player wants to start a convoy
format(Msg, 128, TXT_PlayerStartsQuadrilha, Name);
SendClientMessageToAll(0xFFFFFFFF, Msg);
// This function is used to let another player join a convoy
Quadrilha_Join(playerid, Quadrilha)
// Setup local variables
new Name[24], Msg[128];
// Get the name of the player
GetPlayerName(playerid, Name, sizeof(Name));
// Check if the player is allowed to join the convoy (he must be a trucker without a job and not part of a convoy yet)
if (Quadrilha_PlayerAllowed(playerid))
// Check if the convoy isn't full already
if (Quadrilha_CountMembers(Quadrilha) < QUADRILHA_MAX_MEMBERS)
// Inform all the members of the convoy that this player joined the convoy
format(Msg, 128, TXT_PlayerJoinedQuadrilha, Name);
Quadrilha_SendMessage(Quadrilha, Msg);
// Inform the player that he joined the convoy
SendClientMessage(playerid, 0xFFFFFFFF, TXT_YouJoinedQuadrilha);
// Set the player as member of the convoy (find a free spot for this player)
for (new i; i < QUADRILHA_MAX_MEMBERS; i++)
if (AQuadrilhas[Quadrilha][Memberss][i] == -1) // Check if this member-spot is empty
AQuadrilhas[Quadrilha][Memberss][i] = playerid; // Put the player in this member-spot
break; // Stop the for-loop
// Set the player as a member of a convoy
APlayerData[playerid][InQuadrilha] = true;
APlayerData[playerid][QuadrilhaID] = Quadrilha;
// Set the QuadrilhaStatus1 as "Full" if all member-spots are occupied
if (Quadrilha_CountMembers(Quadrilha) == QUADRILHA_MAX_MEMBERS)
AQuadrilhas[Quadrilha][Status1] = QUADRILHA_FULL;
// Also update the player's missiontext to inform the player that he must wait for the leader to start a job
TextDrawSetString(APlayerData[playerid][MissionText], TXT_WaitingLeaderJob);
SendClientMessage(playerid, 0xFFFFFFFF, TXT_QuadrilhaFull);
// This function is used to let a player leave a convoy (when he disconnects, finishes the convoy, when he dies, ...)
// Setup local variables
new Quadrilha, NumMemberss, MemberID;
// First theck if the player is part of a convoy
if (APlayerData[playerid][InQuadrilha] == false)
return 1; // Exit the function if the player isn't part of a convoy
// Get the convoy-id from the player
Quadrilha = APlayerData[playerid][QuadrilhaID];
// Get the number of members in the convoy
NumMemberss = Quadrilha_CountMembers(Quadrilha);
// If there is only 1 member in the convoy (convoy will have no members if this one leaves), cancel the convoy
if (NumMemberss == 1)
// Cancel the convoy
// Exit the function
return 1;
// Remove the player from the convoy
APlayerData[playerid][InQuadrilha] = false;
APlayerData[playerid][QuadrilhaID] = 0;
// Hide both convoy-textdraws (for leader and members) as the member leaves the convoy
TextDrawHideForPlayer(playerid, AQuadrilhas[Quadrilha][QuadrilhaTextLeader]);
TextDrawHideForPlayer(playerid, AQuadrilhas[Quadrilha][QuadrilhaTextMember]);
// Also update the player's missiontext to inform the player that he can start a job now (if there isn't a job started)
if (APlayerData[playerid][JobStarted] == false)
TextDrawSetString(APlayerData[playerid][MissionText], Mafia_NoJobText);
// If the player is the leader
if (AQuadrilhas[Quadrilha][Memberss][0] == playerid)
// Set another player as leader
for (new j = 1; j < QUADRILHA_MAX_MEMBERS; j++)
// Get the playerid of the member
MemberID = AQuadrilhas[Quadrilha][Memberss][j];
if (MemberID != -1) // If a valid playerid is found
// Hide the member-textdraw as the member just became the leader
TextDrawHideForPlayer(MemberID, AQuadrilhas[Quadrilha][QuadrilhaTextMember]);
// Set this member as leader
AQuadrilhas[Quadrilha][Memberss][0] = MemberID;
// Clear this index, or the player would be twice in the same convoy
AQuadrilhas[Quadrilha][Memberss][j] = -1;
// Exit the function
return 1;
else // The leaving player isn't the leader
// Find the player inside the convoy
for (new i = 1; i < QUADRILHA_MAX_MEMBERS; i++)
// If the current player is this player
if (AQuadrilhas[Quadrilha][Memberss][i] == playerid)
// Reset the stored playerid in the convoy
AQuadrilhas[Quadrilha][Memberss][i] = -1;
// Stop the job for this player (all data gets cleared, including the missiontext)
return 1; // Exit the function
return 1;
// This function cancels the convoy, kicking every member in it
// Setup local variables
new MemberID;
// Loop through all members
for (new i; i < QUADRILHA_MAX_MEMBERS; i++)
// Get the member's playerid
MemberID = AQuadrilhas[Quadrilha][Memberss][i];
// If a valid playerid is found
if (MemberID != -1)
// Remove the player from the convoy
APlayerData[MemberID][InQuadrilha] = false;
APlayerData[MemberID][QuadrilhaID] = 0;
// Hide both convoy-textdraws (for leader and members)
TextDrawHideForPlayer(MemberID, AQuadrilhas[Quadrilha][QuadrilhaTextLeader]);
TextDrawHideForPlayer(MemberID, AQuadrilhas[Quadrilha][QuadrilhaTextMember]);
// Cancel the trucker-job
// Reset the stored playerid in the convoy
AQuadrilhas[Quadrilha][Memberss][i] = -1;
// Send the member a message that the convoy was cancelled by the leader
SendClientMessage(MemberID, 0xFFFFFFFF, TXT_LeaderCancelledQuadrilha);
// Clear all the data of the convoy
AQuadrilhas[Quadrilha][LoadID] = 0;
AQuadrilhas[Quadrilha][Location1] = 0;
AQuadrilhas[Quadrilha][Location2] = 0;
AQuadrilhas[Quadrilha][Status1] = QUADRILHA_EMPTY;
AQuadrilhas[Quadrilha][QuadrilhaStep] = 0;
AQuadrilhas[Quadrilha][TrailerModel] = 0;
AQuadrilhas[Quadrilha][LeaderInformedTrailers] = false;
// Kill the convoy-timer
// This function is called for every member when the leader of the convoy started a job (missiontext is updated, loading-checkpoint is created, ...
Quadrilha_StartMemberJob(playerid, Quadrilha)
// Setup local variables
new StartLoc[50], EndLoc[50], Load[50], RouteText[255], Float, Float:y, Float:z, LoadMsg[128];
// Job has started
APlayerData[playerid][JobStarted] = true;
// Copy the convoy-data to this player
APlayerData[playerid][LoadID] = AQuadrilhas[Quadrilha][LoadID];
APlayerData[playerid][JobLoc1] = AQuadrilhas[Quadrilha][Location1];
APlayerData[playerid][JobLoc2] = AQuadrilhas[Quadrilha][Location2];
// Store the vehicleID (required to be able to check if the player left his vehicle)
APlayerData[playerid][VehicleID] = GetPlayerVehicleID(playerid);
// Store the trailerID (required to be able to check if the player lost his trailer)
APlayerData[playerid][TrailerID] = GetVehicleTrailer(GetPlayerVehicleID(playerid));
// Set jobstep to 1 (going to load the goods)
APlayerData[playerid][JobStep] = 1;
// Get the startlocation, endlocation and the load texts
format(StartLoc, 50, ALocations[APlayerData[playerid][JobLoc1]][LocationName]);
format(EndLoc, 50, ALocations[APlayerData[playerid][JobLoc2]][LocationName]);
format(Load, 50, ALoads[APlayerData[playerid][LoadID]][LoadName]);
// Combine it all into a string for the TextDraw (the player can see this all the time) to describe the mission
format(RouteText, 255, TXT_HaulingCargoFromToPickup, Load, StartLoc, EndLoc);
// Set the TextDraw so the player can see it
TextDrawSetString(APlayerData[playerid][MissionText], RouteText);
// Grab the x, y, z positions for the first location
x = ALocations[APlayerData[playerid][JobLoc1]][LocX];
y = ALocations[APlayerData[playerid][JobLoc1]][LocY];
z = ALocations[APlayerData[playerid][JobLoc1]][LocZ];
// Create a checkpoint where the player should load the goods
SetPlayerCheckpoint(playerid, x, y, z, 7);
// Set the job-fail-time for the global vehicle-timer
APlayerData[playerid][VehicleTimerTime] = Job_TimeToFailMission;
// Inform the player that he must load his goods
format(LoadMsg, 128, TXT_PickupCargoAt, Load, StartLoc);
SendClientMessage(playerid, 0xFFFFFFFF, LoadMsg);
SendClientMessage(playerid, 0xFFFFFFFF, TXT_MeetOtherQuadrilhaMembers);
// This function is called when all convoy-members have loaded their cargo (it updates the missiontext and creates the unload-checkpoint)
// Setup local variables
new StartLoc[50], EndLoc[50], Load[50], RouteText[255], Float, Float:y, Float:z, UnloadMsg[128];
// Set the jobstep to 3 (going to unload the cargo at the destination)
APlayerData[playerid][JobStep] = 3;
// Get the startlocation, endlocation and the load texts
format(StartLoc, 50, ALocations[APlayerData[playerid][JobLoc1]][LocationName]);
format(EndLoc, 50, ALocations[APlayerData[playerid][JobLoc2]][LocationName]);
format(Load, 50, ALoads[APlayerData[playerid][LoadID]][LoadName]);
// Update the missiontext
format(RouteText, 255, TXT_HaulingCargoFromToDeliver, Load, StartLoc, EndLoc);
// Set the TextDraw so the player can see it
TextDrawSetString(APlayerData[playerid][MissionText], RouteText);
// Grab the x, y, z positions for the second location (to unload the goods)
x = ALocations[APlayerData[playerid][JobLoc2]][LocX];
y = ALocations[APlayerData[playerid][JobLoc2]][LocY];
z = ALocations[APlayerData[playerid][JobLoc2]][LocZ];
// Create a checkpoint where the player should unload the goods
SetPlayerCheckpoint(playerid, x, y, z, 7);
// Inform the player that he must unload his goods
format(UnloadMsg, 128, TXT_DeliverCargoTo, Load, EndLoc);
SendClientMessage(playerid, 0xFFFFFFFF, UnloadMsg);
// This is the timer used by every convoy (it updates and checks everything), is executed every 2.5 seconds
public Quadrilha_Timer(Quadrilha)
// Setup local variables
new LeaderID, MemberID;
// Update the textdraws for all convoy members
// Get the leader-id
LeaderID = AQuadrilhas[Quadrilha][Memberss][0];
// Check the jobstep for the entire convoy
switch (AQuadrilhas[Quadrilha][QuadrilhaStep])
case 0: // Quadrilha has just been created, but a job hasn't started yet by the leader
new bool:AllSameTrailer = true;
// Keep checking if the leader has started a job already
if (APlayerData[LeaderID][JobStarted] == true)
// Copy the job-data from the leader to the convoy
AQuadrilhas[Quadrilha][LoadID] = APlayerData[LeaderID][LoadID];
AQuadrilhas[Quadrilha][Location1] = APlayerData[LeaderID][JobLoc1];
AQuadrilhas[Quadrilha][Location2] = APlayerData[LeaderID][JobLoc2];
// Set the trailer-model required by all members to the convoy
AQuadrilhas[Quadrilha][TrailerModel] = GetVehicleModel(GetVehicleTrailer(GetPlayerVehicle ID(LeaderID)));
// First check if the leader has a trailer attached or not
if (AQuadrilhas[Quadrilha][TrailerModel] != 0)
// First check if all players have the correct trailer (except for the leader)
for (new i = 1; i < QUADRILHA_MAX_MEMBERS; i++)
MemberID = AQuadrilhas[Quadrilha][Memberss][i]; // Get the member-id from this member-spot
if (MemberID != -1) // Check if the member-id is a valid playerid
// Check if the player has the same trailer-model attached to his vehicle as the convoy requires
if (GetVehicleModel(GetVehicleTrailer(GetPlayerVehicl eID(MemberID))) != AQuadrilhas[Quadrilha][TrailerModel])
// Inform the player that he hasn't got the correct trailer
switch (AQuadrilhas[Quadrilha][TrailerModel])
case VehicleTrailerCargo, VehicleTrailerCargo2: TextDrawSetString(APlayerData[MemberID][MissionText], TXT_MemberNeedsCargoTrailer);
case VehicleTrailerOre: TextDrawSetString(APlayerData[MemberID][MissionText], TXT_MemberNeedsOreTrailer);
case VehicleTrailerFluids: TextDrawSetString(APlayerData[MemberID][MissionText], TXT_MemberNeedsFluidsTrailer);
// Not everyone has the same trailer
AllSameTrailer = false;
else // Leader has no trailer attached, so check for the vehiclemodel
// First check if all players have the correct trailer (except for the leader)
for (new i = 1; i < QUADRILHA_MAX_MEMBERS; i++)
MemberID = AQuadrilhas[Quadrilha][Memberss][i]; // Get the member-id from this member-spot
if (MemberID != -1) // Check if the member-id is a valid playerid
// Get the vehiclemodel of the member
new vModel = GetVehicleModel(GetPlayerVehicleID(MemberID));
// Check if the member has a valid trucking vehicle (flatbed or DFT30)
switch (vModel)
case VehicleFlatbed, VehicleDFT30: AllSameTrailer = true;
TextDrawSetString(APlayerData[MemberID][MissionText], "You need a Flatbed or DFT-30");
AllSameTrailer = false;
// If all members have the same trailer
if (AllSameTrailer == true)
// Inform the leader that everyone has the same trailer
SendClientMessage(LeaderID, 0xFFFFFFFF, TXT_AllMembersSameTrailer);
// Start the same job for every member if they all have the same trailer
for (new i = 1; i < QUADRILHA_MAX_MEMBERS; i++)
MemberID = AQuadrilhas[Quadrilha][Memberss][i]; // Get the member-id from this member-spot
if (MemberID != -1) // Check if the member-id is a valid playerid
Quadrilha_StartMemberJob(MemberID, Quadrilha); // Start the job for the member
// Select the next step for the convoy (all members are now en-route to the loading-point)
AQuadrilhas[Quadrilha][QuadrilhaStep] = 1;
// Also close the convoy so no more members can join
AQuadrilhas[Quadrilha][Status1] = QUADRILHA_CLOSED;
// Check if the leader has been informed already that not all members have the same trailer
if (AQuadrilhas[Quadrilha][LeaderInformedTrailers] == false)
// Inform the leader that not every member has the same trailer, convoy cannot start yet
SendClientMessage(LeaderID, 0xFFFFFFFF, TXT_AllMembersNotSameTrailer);
AQuadrilhas[Quadrilha][LeaderInformedTrailers] = true; // Leader is informed now
case 1: // Everyone has received their job-data (but haven't loaded their cargo yet)
new bool:AllMembersLoaded = true;
// Check if everyone has loaded their cargo before moving on to QuadrilhaStep 2
for (new i; i < QUADRILHA_MAX_MEMBERS; i++)
MemberID = AQuadrilhas[Quadrilha][Memberss][i]; // Get the playerid of the member
if (MemberID != -1) // Check if the memberid is a valid id
if (APlayerData[MemberID][JobStep] != 2) // Check if the player hasn't loaded his cargo yet
AllMembersLoaded = false; // Not all members have loaded their cargo yet
// Check if everyone has loaded their cargo
if (AllMembersLoaded == true)
// Inform the leader that everyone has the same trailer
SendClientMessage(LeaderID, 0xFFFFFFFF, TXT_AllMembersLoadedCargo);
// Update the job for every member if they all have loaded their cargo
for (new i; i < QUADRILHA_MAX_MEMBERS; i++)
MemberID = AQuadrilhas[Quadrilha][Memberss][i]; // Get the member-id from this member-spot
if (MemberID != -1) // Check if the member-id is a valid playerid
Quadrilha_UpdateMemberJob(MemberID); // Start the job for the member
// Select the next step for the convoy (all members are now en-route to the unloading-point)
AQuadrilhas[Quadrilha][QuadrilhaStep] = 2;
case 2: // Everybody has loaded their cargo and all members have their job updated, all members are en-route to the destination
// Check if everyone is staying close to the leader and check if all members have unloaded their cargo
new bool:AllMembersUnloaded = true;
// Also check if all players have delivered their load
for (new i; i < QUADRILHA_MAX_MEMBERS; i++)
MemberID = AQuadrilhas[Quadrilha][Memberss][i]; // Get the playerid of the member
if (MemberID != -1) // Check if the memberid is a valid id
if (APlayerData[MemberID][JobStep] != 4) // Check if the player hasn't unloaded his cargo yet
AllMembersUnloaded = false; // Not all members have unloaded their cargo yet
if (AllMembersUnloaded == true) // Check if all members have unloaded their cargo (nobody cleared this variable)
AQuadrilhas[Quadrilha][QuadrilhaStep] = 3; // Set the jobstep for the entire convoy to 3 (everybody unloaded their cargo, but jobs must still be payed out)
case 3: // Everybody has unloaded their cargo (now it's time to pay all members and finish the job)
// Setup local variables
new Float1, Float:y1, Float2, Float:y2, Floatistance, Message[128], Payment, Bonus, NumMemberss, Name[24], BonusMsg[128];
// Count the number of members in the convoy
NumMemberss = Quadrilha_CountMembers(Quadrilha);
// Get the name of the convoy-leader
GetPlayerName(LeaderID, Name, sizeof(Name));
// Grab the x, y, z positions for the first location (to load the goods)
x1 = ALocations[APlayerData[LeaderID][JobLoc1]][LocX];
y1 = ALocations[APlayerData[LeaderID][JobLoc1]][LocY];
// Grab the x, y, z positions for the second location (to unload the goods)
x2 = ALocations[APlayerData[LeaderID][JobLoc2]][LocX];
y2 = ALocations[APlayerData[LeaderID][JobLoc2]][LocY];
// Calculate the distance between both points
Distance = floatsqroot(((x2 - x1) * (x2 - x1)) + ((y2 - y1) * (y2 - y1)));
// Calculate the payment for the player
Payment = floatround((Distance * ALoads[APlayerData[LeaderID][LoadID]][PayPerUnit]), floatround_floor);
// Check if the convoy has done the bonus mission
if (RandomBonusMission[MissionFinished] == false)
// Check all paramters (load, startlocation and end-location)
if (RandomBonusMission[RandomLoad] == APlayerData[LeaderID][LoadID])
if (RandomBonusMission[RandomStartLoc] == APlayerData[LeaderID][JobLoc1])
if (RandomBonusMission[RandomEndLoc] == APlayerData[LeaderID][JobLoc2])
Payment = Payment * 2; // Double the payment is the player was the first to do the bonus mission
RandomBonusMission[MissionFinished] = true; // Only one player/convoy can do the bonus mission, a new one is chosen next
format(BonusMsg, 128, "{808080}O Comboio do Lider {FFFFFF}%s{808080} Completou a Missao Bonus", Name);
SendClientMessageToAll(0xFFFFFFFF, BonusMsg);
// Calculate convoy-bonus (standard payment of 100% and 25% extra for each convoy-member)
Bonus = (NumMemberss * 25) + 100; // For every member, 25% bonus is added to the payment, on top of the standard payment
// Calculate total payment for each member
Payment = (Payment * Bonus) / 100;
// Pay every member and finish their mission
for (new i; i < QUADRILHA_MAX_MEMBERS; i++)
MemberID = AQuadrilhas[Quadrilha][Memberss][i]; // Get the playerid of the member
if (MemberID != -1) // Check if the memberid is a valid id
// Reward the player (give cash and points)
RewardPlayer(MemberID, Payment, 5);
// Increase the stats for completing a trucking job while in a convoy
// Also save the data (in case the server crashes, progress would be lost)
// End the member's job
// Send a message to let the player know he finished his mission and got paid
format(Message, 128, TXT_FinishedQuadrilha, Payment);
SendClientMessage(MemberID, 0xFFFFFFFF, Message);
// Also update the player's missiontext to inform the player that he must wait for the leader to start a job
if (i != 0) // Skip this if the current index is the leader (the leader doesn't have to wait for a new job)
TextDrawSetString(APlayerData[MemberID][MissionText], TXT_WaitingLeaderJob);
// Clear the data in the convoy
AQuadrilhas[Quadrilha][LoadID] = 0; // Clear the load-id
AQuadrilhas[Quadrilha][Location1] = 0; // Clear the loadingpoint id
AQuadrilhas[Quadrilha][Location2] = 0; // Clear the unloading point id
AQuadrilhas[Quadrilha][Status1] = QUADRILHA_OPEN; // Set Status1 to "open" again, so new members can join
AQuadrilhas[Quadrilha][QuadrilhaStep] = 0; // Set QuadrilhaStep to 0 (wait for a new job to be started by the leader)
AQuadrilhas[Quadrilha][TrailerModel] = 0; // Clear trailer model (the next job can be for another trailer)
AQuadrilhas[Quadrilha][LeaderInformedTrailers] = false; // Allow the leader to be informed again if not all members have the correct trailer
return 1;
// This function is used to update the textdraws for the leader and all members (used by the convoy-timer)
// Setup local variables
new LeaderID, MemberID, LeaderName[24], NumMemberss, TextLeader[128], TextMember[128], LastMember[24], LastMemberID, Floatistance;
// Get the leader-id
LeaderID = AQuadrilhas[Quadrilha][Memberss][0];
// Get the name of the convoy-leader
GetPlayerName(LeaderID, LeaderName, sizeof(LeaderName));
// Get the number of members of the convoy
NumMemberss = Quadrilha_CountMembers(Quadrilha);
// Check if there members besides the leader
if (NumMemberss > 1)
LastMemberID = Quadrilha_GetFurthestMember(Quadrilha); // Get the playerid of the member who is furthest away from the leader
GetPlayerName(LastMemberID, LastMember, sizeof(LastMember)); // Get the name of the furthest member
Distance = PlayerToPlayer(LeaderID, LastMemberID); // Get the distance to the last member
else // No other members are in the convoy yet
format(LastMember, 24, " - ");
Distance = 0.0;
// Update the convoy-textdraw for the leader
format(TextLeader, 128, TXT_LeaderQuadrilhaInfoBar, NumMemberss, LastMember, Distance);
TextDrawSetString(AQuadrilhas[Quadrilha][QuadrilhaTextLeader], TextLeader);
// Enable the convoy-textDraw for the leader
TextDrawShowForPlayer(LeaderID, AQuadrilhas[Quadrilha][QuadrilhaTextLeader]);
// Update the convoy-textdraw for every member
for (new i = 1; i < QUADRILHA_MAX_MEMBERS; i++)
MemberID = AQuadrilhas[Quadrilha][Memberss][i]; // Get the playerid of the member
if (MemberID != -1) // Check if the memberid is a valid id
// Calculate the distance to the leader
Distance = PlayerToPlayer(LeaderID, MemberID);
// Update the textdraw for the members
format(TextMember, 128, TXT_MemberQuadrilhaInfoBar, LeaderName, Distance, NumMemberss);
TextDrawSetString(AQuadrilhas[Quadrilha][QuadrilhaTextMember], TextMember);
TextDrawShowForPlayer(MemberID, AQuadrilhas[Quadrilha][QuadrilhaTextMember]);
// This function counts the members in the convoy
// Setup local variables
new NumMemberss;
// Loop through all members
for (new i; i < QUADRILHA_MAX_MEMBERS; i++)
// Check if there is a valid member-id stored (playerid)
if (AQuadrilhas[Quadrilha][Memberss][i] != -1)
NumMemberss++; // Increase the number of members
// Return the number of members to the calling routine
return NumMemberss;
// This function checks the player and determines if he's a valid trucker who's able to create or join a convoy
// Make sure that the leader is a trucker
if (APlayerData[playerid][PlayerClass] == ClassMafia)
// Check if the player isn't a member of a convoy already
if (APlayerData[playerid][InQuadrilha] == false)
// Make sure that the player hasn't started a job
if (APlayerData[playerid][JobStarted] == false)
return true; // The player is allowed to create or join a convoy
SendClientMessage(playerid, 0xFFFFFFFF, TXT_CannotJoinJobStarted);
SendClientMessage(playerid, 0xFFFFFFFF, TXT_QuadrilhaAllreadyJoined);
SendClientMessage(playerid, 0xFFFFFFFF, TXT_QuadrilhaNeedsMafiaClass);
// If any condition wasn't true, the player isn't allowed to create or join a convoy
return false;
// This function sends the given message to all members of the convoy
Quadrilha_SendMessage(Quadrilha, Message[])
// Setup local variables
new MemberID;
// Loop through all members
for (new i; i < QUADRILHA_MAX_MEMBERS; i++)
MemberID = AQuadrilhas[Quadrilha][Memberss][i]; // Get the member-id on this index
if (MemberID != -1) // Check if this member has a valid playerid
SendClientMessage(MemberID, 0xFFFFFFFF, Message); // Send the given message to the member
// This function returns "true" is the given player is the leader of the convoy
stock Quadrilha_IsLeader(playerid, Quadrilha)
// Check if the player is part of a convoy
if ((APlayerData[playerid][InQuadrilha] == true) && (AQuadrilhas[Quadrilha][Memberss][0] = playerid))
return true; // Player is in a convoy AND he's the leader of it
return false; // Player is a member of the convoy (or not in the same convoy)
// This function returns true if the player is a member of the given convoy
stock Quadrilha_IsMember(playerid, Quadrilha)
// Loop through all members (excluding the leader)
for (new i = 1; i < QUADRILHA_MAX_MEMBERS; i++)
if (AQuadrilhas[Quadrilha][Memberss][i] == playerid) // Check if this member is the given player
return true; // Return true (the player is a member of the convoy)
// If the given playerid wasn't found among the members, return false
return false;
// A function that returns the member of a convoy that's the furthest away from the leader
// Setup local variables
new Float:distance = 0.0, Float:distance2 = 0.0, LeaderID, MemberID, result = -1;
// Get the leader-id
LeaderID = AQuadrilhas[Quadrilha][Memberss][0];
// Loop through all members (excluding the leader)
for(new i = 1; i < QUADRILHA_MAX_MEMBERS; i++)
MemberID = AQuadrilhas[Quadrilha][Memberss][i]; // Get the playerid of the member
if (MemberID != -1) // Check if the memberid is a valid id
// Get the distance between leader and member
distance2 = PlayerToPlayer(LeaderID, MemberID);
// Check if the distance is bigger than the previous distance
if(distance2 > distance)
// Store the distance
distance = distance2;
// Store the member-id
result = MemberID;
// Return the vehicle-id of the closest vehicle
return result;