help me with streamer plugin please

Show me your server.logs if its crashing also show me your server.cfg

download link:
Ones you got the files open them up put into pawn/includes then put the or streamer.dll into /plugins then open your server.cfg add streamer.dll or were the plugin is on the server.cfg

Messages In This Thread
help me with streamer plugin please - by InTeL_cOrE_i7 - 15.06.2013, 08:21
Re: help me with streamer plugin please - by Avi57 - 15.06.2013, 08:23
Re: help me with streamer plugin please - by InTeL_cOrE_i7 - 15.06.2013, 08:32
Re: help me with streamer plugin please - by InTeL_cOrE_i7 - 15.06.2013, 09:01
Re: help me with streamer plugin please - by Yves - 15.06.2013, 09:05
Re: help me with streamer plugin please - by InTeL_cOrE_i7 - 15.06.2013, 09:42

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