Textdraw help

If you dont use format you use this: Textdraw = TextDrawCreate(0, 0, "Fire in the hole!");
With format you use this:
pawn Код:
new score[40];
format(score, .........)
Textdraw = TextDrawCreate(0, 0, score);
It works in the same way sendclientmessage with specifiers work.

Messages In This Thread
Textdraw help - by NoahF - 13.06.2013, 20:50
AW: Textdraw help - by HurtLocker - 13.06.2013, 20:51
Re: Textdraw help - by NoahF - 13.06.2013, 20:52
AW: Textdraw help - by Skimmer - 13.06.2013, 20:53
AW: Textdraw help - by HurtLocker - 13.06.2013, 20:55

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