Weapon hack anticheat exeption

In its most simple form you need only check if the players have more ammo than the server has given them. Hook GivePlayerWeapon (or write a custom function) to increment an ammo counter on the server side. Who cares if they have less ammo? It only becomes a problem if their ammo stays the same or if they have more ammo than the server has given them

Messages In This Thread
Weapon hack anticheat exeption - by Triphon - 12.06.2013, 20:45
Re: Weapon hack anticheat exeption - by park4bmx - 12.06.2013, 20:52
Re : Weapon hack anticheat exeption - by Triphon - 13.06.2013, 07:46
Re: Weapon hack anticheat exeption - by Vince - 13.06.2013, 07:53
Re : Weapon hack anticheat exeption - by Triphon - 13.06.2013, 07:58

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