Timer solution ?

Hi guyz

I have 5-6 timers that are really important but they are causing HARD lag on the server...

My timers code (It's under OnGameModeInIt):
	for(new i; i != GetMaxPlayers(); i++)
		SetTimerEx("Speedo", 100, true, "d", i);
		SetTimerEx("HPWCGLAD", 150000, true, "d", i);
		SetTimerEx("BolnicaTimerce", 1000, true, "d", i);
		SetTimerEx("exptimer", 60000, true, "d", i);
		SetTimerEx("ExpUpdate", 100, true, "d", i);
		SetTimerEx("RandomMessage", 8000, true, "d", i);
With this code i start 50 times (because my server is 50 slots) 6 timers, so that is 6*50 = 300 timers...

But if i create one timer with SetTimer under ongamemodeinit and no the timer public if i use foreach, the timer would stop counting sometimes for some players...


Messages In This Thread
Timer solution ? - by NeroX98 - 11.06.2013, 11:07
Re: Timer solution ? - by NeroX98 - 11.06.2013, 11:12

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