Se cierra el samp server al guardar mysql

Originally Posted by WCrimson
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pawn Код:
mysql_format( ConnectionHandle, Consulta, "UPDATE `users` SET Arma_%i=%i, Municion_%i=%i WHERE `Nombre` = '%s' AND `ID_User` = '%i';", i, PlayerInfo[ playerid ][ Armas ][ i ], i, PlayerInfo[ playerid ][ Municiones ][ i ], GetPName( playerid ), PlayerInfo[ playerid ][ pID ] ); //Sн no cambias йsto, no se almacenarбn correctamente las armas.
Йse detalle no puede causar crash, la variable estбtica es formateada asн que tampoco puede ser.
їProbaste empleando crashdetect?.
Listo ahi le puse el crash detect y me salio esto en la consola.

[21:45:48] [debug] Run time error 4: "Array index out of bounds"
[21:45:48] [debug]  Accessing element at index 13 past array upper bound 12
[21:45:48] [debug] AMX backtrace:
[21:45:48] [debug] #0 00047b84 in ?? () from MySQL-R15.amx
[21:45:48] [debug] #1 00028a28 in ?? () from MySQL-R15.amx
[21:45:48] [debug] #2 0001b530 in ?? () from MySQL-R15.amx
[21:45:48] [debug] #3 0001a800 in ?? () from MySQL-R15.amx
[21:45:48] [debug] #4 00014c14 in ?? () from MySQL-R15.amx
[21:45:48] [debug] #5 000058ac in public OnPlayerConnect () from MySQL-R15.amx
[21:46:08] [debug] Run time error 4: "Array index out of bounds"
[21:46:08] [debug]  Accessing element at index 13 past array upper bound 12
[21:46:08] [debug] AMX backtrace:
[21:46:08] [debug] #0 000472a4 in public CargarUsuario () from MySQL-R15.amx

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