Creating a team

<-- Thanks, that one worked! +rep on you

But now the other problem.. I have a command ingame.. /setplayertg [id] ..

	if (strcmp(cmdtext, "/setplayertg", true ) == 0)
 		new tmp[256];
		tmp = strtok(cmdtext, idx);
	    new otherplayerid;
	    if(!strlen(tmp)) return SendClientMessage(playerid, COLOR_LIGHTRED, "Use /setplayertg [playerid/name]");
	    else if(!IsPlayerConnected(otherplayerid)) return SendClientMessage(playerid, COLOR_LIGHTRED, "This player is not connected");
	        SendClientMessage(otherplayerid,COLOR_LIGHTRED,"You've been set to [Team 2] by an [Admin].");
			setTG[otherplayerid] = 1;
	    return 1;
when I type /setplayertg it says "Use /setplayertg [playerid/name]" , which it should say. - but when I put a random ID like my own id ( 0 ) , it says unknown command! How can this be fixed?

Messages In This Thread
Creating a team - by Kudoz - 09.06.2013, 22:33
AW: Creating a team - by HurtLocker - 09.06.2013, 22:35
Re: Creating a team - by Kudoz - 09.06.2013, 22:36
AW: Creating a team - by HurtLocker - 09.06.2013, 22:47
Re: Creating a team - by Kudoz - 09.06.2013, 22:50
Re: Creating a team - by Goldilox - 10.06.2013, 00:25
Re: Creating a team - by Threshold - 10.06.2013, 01:34
Re: Creating a team - by Kudoz - 10.06.2013, 05:28
Re: Creating a team - by ReVo_ - 10.06.2013, 08:52
Re: Creating a team - by Kudoz - 10.06.2013, 13:14

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