indoor go kart track

hi i was wondering what people think of this. i am fairly new to mapping and have only done about 2 or more things before this. i live in cardiff and i have tried to copy the track and the building as best i can to the real place i have been recently and had to do it by memory. i am always trying to improve what i make so if anyone thinks that i need to improve it and where i need to improve it just let me know but this is my first map that i have shared. i have put it all in a .pwn file so just copy and paste it into your game mode i have tested it and all seems fine on my gamemode and if you are looking for the building once you have installed it it is just by sfa by the mountains near that tunnel will upload a snapshot of the location when my pc stops playing up

moved it to right section of forum now link is

Messages In This Thread
indoor go kart track - by tmzy - 09.06.2013, 15:55
Re: indoor go kart track - by Luis- - 09.06.2013, 16:03
Re: indoor go kart track - by -CaRRoT - 09.06.2013, 20:02
Re: indoor go kart track - by tmzy - 11.06.2013, 01:48

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