Loop on dialog

I have make a dynamic dialog with a loop but it not works.

I have check with printf and sendclientmessage, it work but the dialog won't show.
[13:45:55] 0
[13:45:55] 0
[13:45:55] 0
[13:45:55] 0
[13:45:55] 0
[13:45:55] 0
[13:45:55] 0
[13:45:55] 0
[13:45:55] 0
[13:45:55] 0
[13:45:55] 0
[13:45:55] 0
[13:45:55] 0
[13:45:55] 0
[13:45:55] 0
My loop :
for(new d; d<=MAX_DUELS; d++)
					if(DuelInfo[d][Started] == 0)
                                            SendClientMessage(playerid, COLOR_GREEN, "ok");
					    format(string, sizeof(string), "Duel #%d inutilisй.\n", d);
					    strcat(string, table);
				//format(string, sizeof(string), "Rejoindre un duel (%d disponibles)", nbduel);
				ShowPlayerDialog(playerid, DIALOG_DUEL_JOIN, DIALOG_STYLE_LIST, "test", table, "Rejoindre", "Quitter");
I haven't found a solution, please help me.

Messages In This Thread
Loop on dialog - by falcko - 06.06.2013, 11:46

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