[FilterScript] [FS] RocketRustler v0.1 - Fire rockets from a rustler!

Fire rockets from a rustler!
With this script you can easily fire rockets from a rustler. It's a 145 line long script, but it's awesome. Look bellow to see how to fire a rocket.

How to fire a rocket?
You can fire a rocket by pressing the fire key while in a rustler. I used the fire key, because in rustler you use secondary fire key for normal shooting. Also, you will have to release all other keys because of the stupid OnPlayerKeyStateChange detecting.
WARNING: Don't fire on the ground, the function gets the X and Y in front of player, and not the Z coord.

Currently 2 bugs known:
Fire on the ground: As I said, the function gets the X and Y in front of player, and not the Z coord.
Rockets through the floor: I don't know how to fix that (yet), but I will try to do it somehow.
Anyways, enjoy. If you find another bug, please tell me.


[img width=960 height=768]http://i711.photobucket.com/albums/ww111/SpiderPorkLOL/sa-mp-115.png[/img]
[img width=960 height=768]http://i711.photobucket.com/albums/ww111/SpiderPorkLOL/sa-mp-116.png[/img]
[img width=960 height=768]http://i711.photobucket.com/albums/ww111/SpiderPorkLOL/sa-mp-117.png[/img]



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