24.03.2009, 08:24
then i start server i have this error and server not work
[10:22:58] Filter Scripts
[10:22:58] ---------------
[10:22:58] Loading filter script 'RAdmin.amx'...
[10:22:58] ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
[10:22:58] ++ RAdmin (R@f Admin) V0.0.1 ++
[10:22:58] ++ Last official Update : 28.02.09 ++
[10:22:58] ++ Script by Rafael 'R@f' Keramidas ++
[10:22:58] ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
[10:22:58] ~RAdmin~ MySQL: Connecting (host: mysql1.lpd-clan.xz.lt) (user: radmin) (database: radmin)
Connection to MySQL database: Failed !
[10:22:58] Access denied for user 'radmin'@'hst-130-167.telelanas.lt' (using password: YES)
[10:22:58] Error in mysql_select_db: MySQL server has gone away
[10:22:58] ~RAdmin~ MySQL: First connecting attempt failed!
[10:22:58] ~RAdmin~ MySQL: Connecting (host: mysql1.lpd-clan.xz.lt) (user: radmin) (database: radmin)
Connection to MySQL database: Failed !
[10:22:58] Access denied for user 'radmin'@'hst-130-167.telelanas.lt' (using password: YES)
[10:22:58] Error in mysql_select_db: MySQL server has gone away
[10:22:58] ~RAdmin~ MySQL: Second connecting attempt failed!
[10:22:58] ~RAdmin~ MySQL: MySQL progress terminated!
[10:22:58] Error in mysql_query: MySQL server has gone away
[10:22:58] Error in mysql_store_result: MySQL server has gone away
[10:22:58] Filter Scripts
[10:22:58] ---------------
[10:22:58] Loading filter script 'RAdmin.amx'...
[10:22:58] ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
[10:22:58] ++ RAdmin (R@f Admin) V0.0.1 ++
[10:22:58] ++ Last official Update : 28.02.09 ++
[10:22:58] ++ Script by Rafael 'R@f' Keramidas ++
[10:22:58] ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
[10:22:58] ~RAdmin~ MySQL: Connecting (host: mysql1.lpd-clan.xz.lt) (user: radmin) (database: radmin)
Connection to MySQL database: Failed !
[10:22:58] Access denied for user 'radmin'@'hst-130-167.telelanas.lt' (using password: YES)
[10:22:58] Error in mysql_select_db: MySQL server has gone away
[10:22:58] ~RAdmin~ MySQL: First connecting attempt failed!
[10:22:58] ~RAdmin~ MySQL: Connecting (host: mysql1.lpd-clan.xz.lt) (user: radmin) (database: radmin)
Connection to MySQL database: Failed !
[10:22:58] Access denied for user 'radmin'@'hst-130-167.telelanas.lt' (using password: YES)
[10:22:58] Error in mysql_select_db: MySQL server has gone away
[10:22:58] ~RAdmin~ MySQL: Second connecting attempt failed!
[10:22:58] ~RAdmin~ MySQL: MySQL progress terminated!
[10:22:58] Error in mysql_query: MySQL server has gone away
[10:22:58] Error in mysql_store_result: MySQL server has gone away