
Add 90 to the angle in tje GetXYInFrontOfPlayer function. It calculates the position in front of the player. So if you want the position on the right you just have to trick the function into thinking the player is facing that direction

Messages In This Thread
Get pos to the right in point of player ? - by HitnKill - 31.05.2013, 19:33
Get pos to the right in point of player ? - by HitnKill - 01.06.2013, 01:32
Respuesta: GetPosRightPlayer - by JustBored - 01.06.2013, 01:45
Re : GetPosRightPlayer - by HitnKill - 01.06.2013, 01:51
Re: Respuesta: GetPosRightPlayer - by Emmet_ - 01.06.2013, 01:56
Re : GetPosRightPlayer - by HitnKill - 01.06.2013, 10:27
Re: GetPosRightPlayer - by FUNExtreme - 01.06.2013, 10:35
Re : GetPosRightPlayer - by HitnKill - 01.06.2013, 11:01

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