I need help with a moving gate FS

Alright, I solved the problems with ''indentation'',now my only problem is:

(53) : warning 209: function "OnPlayerCommandText" should return a value

Messages In This Thread
I need help with a moving gate FS - by kokoshkata - 31.05.2013, 19:34
Re: I need help with a moving gate FS - by nor15 - 31.05.2013, 19:40
Re: I need help with a moving gate FS - by kokoshkata - 31.05.2013, 19:44
Re: I need help with a moving gate FS - by mahdi499 - 31.05.2013, 19:51
Re: I need help with a moving gate FS - by zJordioz - 31.05.2013, 22:17
Re: I need help with a moving gate FS - by kokoshkata - 01.06.2013, 07:23
Re: I need help with a moving gate FS - by NicholasA - 01.06.2013, 07:28
Re: I need help with a moving gate FS - by kokoshkata - 01.06.2013, 07:31
Re: I need help with a moving gate FS - by DobbysGamertag - 01.06.2013, 07:51
Re: I need help with a moving gate FS - by kokoshkata - 01.06.2013, 09:01

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