Why I Get so many Errors Like this?

Originally Posted by RalphHaro
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I've successfully compiled it earlier, but I add some commands and this happens. I've got the commands from the script of my friend which it is also successfully compiled, but I don't know why this is happening when I re-compile my script. Maybe there is something that is not defined or? Don't have an idea anymore.
That's a rule at programming.. copying-pasting won't make it works if you've not defined anything.

First of all, about the streamer errors - use the latest plugin/include.

About the rest, they're all most likely custom functions. Try to find to your friend's script about these functions either as
pawn Код:
stock IsACop(playerid)
// ...
pawn Код:
// ...
and add them to your mode. Make sure the variables those functions contains are defined to your mode as well.

Messages In This Thread
Why I Get so many Errors Like this? - by RalphHaro - 31.05.2013, 18:36
Respuesta: Why I Get so many Errors Like this? - by Stront - 31.05.2013, 18:37
Re: Why I Get so many Errors Like this? - by RalphHaro - 31.05.2013, 19:04
Re: Why I Get so many Errors Like this? - by RalphHaro - 31.05.2013, 19:23
Re: Why I Get so many Errors Like this? - by Littlehelper - 31.05.2013, 19:27
Re: Why I Get so many Errors Like this? - by RalphHaro - 31.05.2013, 19:40
Re: Why I Get so many Errors Like this? - by mahdi499 - 31.05.2013, 19:41
Re: Why I Get so many Errors Like this? - by Konstantinos - 31.05.2013, 20:01
Re: Why I Get so many Errors Like this? - by RalphHaro - 31.05.2013, 20:07
Re: Why I Get so many Errors Like this? - by Konstantinos - 31.05.2013, 20:14

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