Stay within the world boundaries / loading


I've recently been experiencing the "Stay within the world boundaries / loading" bug and I can't find a fix. It only occurs when your player dies and here's a short list of what's happening;
  1. You play along fine in your regular skin
  2. Your player dies
  3. Your skin changes to CJ and the class-select buttons appear
  4. You press the spawn-button and you get the bug
First of all, in my script - once you die, you go straight to hospital, no class-selection thing in between.

How can I solve this idiotic bug? I don't know how it appeared. Once I upgraded my script to 0.3x it started fucking up. It has been working completely fine earlier.

Thank you!

Messages In This Thread
Stay within the world boundaries / loading - by Flyfishes - 31.05.2013, 12:55
Re: Stay within the world boundaries / loading - by BossZk - 31.05.2013, 12:59
Re: Stay within the world boundaries / loading - by zT KiNgKoNg - 31.05.2013, 13:03
Re: Stay within the world boundaries / loading - by Flyfishes - 31.05.2013, 13:03
Re: Stay within the world boundaries / loading - by [SP]Badman - 31.05.2013, 16:40
Re: Stay within the world boundaries / loading - by Dopefull - 31.05.2013, 17:08

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