getplayerskin help

Hmm, what are you even trying to use this for? Are you trying to stop people from spawning as a certain class? Are you trying to make it so admins can't set their skin to certain IDs? Is it for an anti-cheat?

Messages In This Thread
getplayerskin help - by Proph3t - 30.05.2013, 15:09
Re: getplayerskin help - by [ABK]Antonio - 30.05.2013, 15:11
Re: getplayerskin help - by NL-Sultan - 30.05.2013, 15:16
Re: getplayerskin help - by Konstantinos - 30.05.2013, 15:19
Re: getplayerskin help - by [ABK]Antonio - 30.05.2013, 15:20
Re: getplayerskin help - by Proph3t - 30.05.2013, 15:33

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