30.05.2013, 11:44
Strfind returns -1 when the needle (the word searched) is NOT found. In this case, you inverted the checks.
pawn Код:
new stringtag[128];
if(PlayerInfo[playerid][pTag] == 0) // The server found the player is not part of the clan. Has they got the tag into their name?
if(strfind(Name(playerid), "[KZ]", true) > -1) // If the server does not find the tag, strfind returns -1. That means the following code is not executed.
format(stringtag, sizeof(stringtag), "%s has been kicked from the Server [Reason: Unauthorized Tag]", Name(playerid));
SendClientMessageToAll(C_LBLUE, stringtag);
DelayKick(playerid, 100);