IP of the host the server is running on?

You can do it this way, but you have to put the IP in server.cfg under 'bind'.
pawn Код:
new serverip[16];
GetServerVarAsString("bind", serverip, sizeof (serverip));

Messages In This Thread
IP of the host the server is running on? - by Dr.Einstein - 29.05.2013, 22:30
AW: IP of the host the server is running on? - by Mellnik - 29.05.2013, 22:34
Re: IP of the host the server is running on? - by Richie© - 29.05.2013, 22:35
Re: IP of the host the server is running on? - by Knappen - 29.05.2013, 23:53
Re: IP of the host the server is running on? - by Dr.Einstein - 30.05.2013, 04:12
Re: IP of the host the server is running on? - by Knappen - 30.05.2013, 13:09

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