[Include] rMTA - Easy MTA-Race Map Converter (Scriptside)

Hello Guys,

I recently worked on an MTA map converter, since I work on a "New Dawn" project.
I have it normally installed in my script, so I do not know if the Include Buggs could
occur. Me, at least not yet noticed.
And besides, this is my very first include that I have created ..

You need:
- Streamer Plugin
- XML-Plugin

Overview of the commands:
#include <rMTA>

CreateVehicleEx(model, Float:pox, Float:poy, Float:poz, Float:poa, dimension, interior, c1, c2, spawn_d); // For Car-Spawning in a interior and dimension. Its and Dynamic Car!
SpawnInVehicle(playerid, model, Float:pox, Float:poy, Float:poz, Float:poa, dimension, interior, c1, c2, spawn_d); // For the Players, for spawning in vehicle (if you work on race-server).
VehicleChanger(Float:X, Float:Y, Float:Z, MID); // An Vehicle-Changer Pickup. (Racemap)

Load(const path[], pathmeta[], Float:DrawDistance = 200.0, VehRespawn = 20);
// This Functions is loading the map
Load (const path [], pathmeta [], Float: DrawDistance = 200.0, VehRespawn = 20)
path [] = This specifies the path where the map resides.
pathmeta [] = This is simply the specified folder in which the meta.xml is, if any. (Can you leave it empty "").
Which is simply there to read out the name of the map. Which you can call with the string "MapName".
DrawDistance = The DrawDistance for the dynamic objects
VehRespawn = Respawn_Delay of vehicles

The path [] is always located in the include folder. For example, "map_x/mapname.map". That would have been "scriptfiles/map_x/mapname.map".

In pathmeta [] you have exactly the same each write in addition to the map name. For example, "map_x". The following are now accessed File "scriptfiles/map_x/meta.xml".

* 1.0 - Object Converter
* 1.1 - RacePickups Converter
* 1.2 - SpawnPoints Converter
* 1.3 - VehicleChanger Pickup

Here the Pastebin!
*pastebin updated*


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