Pickup Teleports (Too fast!)

The easiest thing would be to teleport the player in front of the pickup, like the yellow markers in singleplayer

Otherwise you could use an variable which disables the next pickup which is most likely the teleport back
If you use the pickup type 23 (maybe 19, too) the pickup is pickupable but doesnt disappear
The variable would disable the first call and it should be possible after few seconds to pickup it up again

Messages In This Thread
Pickup Teleports (Too fast!) - by Apprentice - 20.05.2013, 20:30
Re: Pickup Teleports (Too fast!) - by mrskull42 - 20.05.2013, 21:36
AW: Pickup Teleports (Too fast!) - by Nero_3D - 20.05.2013, 22:11
Re: Pickup Teleports (Too fast!) - by Apprentice - 20.05.2013, 23:39
Re: Pickup Teleports (Too fast!) - by Pottus - 21.05.2013, 03:49

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