include`s links/goto lables

well i am not sure but can we link something(obj/var) dynamic
by includes in our fs and gm by saying this i mean like i made a include and initialized a new object in it and included it in both my fs and gm so would be able to check the variables values in both of my scripts linking both of them and make them possible to run in the server
,cant check it myself becase my pc isnt working some heat issues and i remmber creating a callback and declared a goto lable just after it
pawn Код:
label x:checkplayer(playerid);
and in a bit more locally inside the call back when i called my label with goto x;
after compileing it gave me errors ah it should'nt ? Or do pawn dosent supports goto labels?

Messages In This Thread
include`s links/goto lables - by Abhishek. - 17.05.2013, 14:00
Re: include`s links/goto lables - by Abhishek. - 17.05.2013, 14:12

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