[FilterScript] Chat Bot

pawn Код:
//By Rhandy - UltimateScripters Not For Sell !
#include <a_samp>
You're really dumb.. Just proved us that you stole the script..

Messages In This Thread
Chat Bot - by Byter - 12.05.2013, 15:14
Re: Chat Bot - by xXitsgodzillaXx - 12.05.2013, 15:18
AW: Chat Bot - by Blackazur - 12.05.2013, 15:30
Re: Chat Bot - by Byter - 12.05.2013, 15:37
Re: Chat Bot - by CNRLIFE - 13.05.2013, 09:52
Re: Chat Bot - by yunior - 15.05.2013, 15:24
Re: Chat Bot - by Private200 - 15.05.2013, 16:22
Re: Chat Bot - by Dzines4SAMP - 15.05.2013, 16:25
Re : Chat Bot - by Rayan_black - 16.05.2013, 09:18
Re: Chat Bot - by Killerjoke - 17.05.2013, 03:23

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