[Include] Color CP [Now create a checkpoint with different colors!]

You should make it possible to also remove checkpoints I would also sacrifice two callbacks for a much improved update system.

pawn Код:
forward OnPlayerColorCPStreamIn(playerid, checkpointid);
forward OnPlayerColorCPStreamOut(playerid, checkpointid);
These are pretty useless overall anyways, instead create dynamic checkpoints with a size of 0.0 that way the marker will show up on radar to indicate checkpoint proximity then use Dynamic areas to determine when a player enters/exits a checkpoint. The main improvement is eliminating the need for looping to check when a player is near or in a checkpoint in fact the only loop you would have is checking if the dynamic area entered is part of the colored checkpoint system.

Overall the current form of this include is not very useful particularly in a public server the amount of looping is excessive on top of that you got some pvars which are slow and have no business being in loops.

3/10 on this include it could really use a world of improvement.

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