[ALPHA] PAWN wrapped to C++

This plugin is umm... useless
[RAZ]ADreNaLiNe-DJ said it already:This work has been done already


[REL] Gamemode plugins simplified v2
« on: June 26, 2007, 04:59:24 am »
Gamemode Plugins Simplified v2
What is this?
When I first tried to create a gamemode using plugins only, I realized it would involve much code repetition, and the actual concept looked harder than it actually was. Therefore I wrote this simple and flexible plugin that allows you to easily code gamemodes in pure C++; that is, the only AMX that's required is my simplified gamemode script. The rest is up to you obviously to fill in the functions with whatever appropriate code your gamemode requires!


Use the search function next time :P


Messages In This Thread
[ALPHA] PAWN wrapped to C++ - by ZET - 29.07.2007, 21:58
Re: PAWN totally wrapped to C++. Do you want this to be released? - by JaTochNietDan - 30.07.2007, 03:43
Re: PAWN totally wrapped to C++. Do you want this to be released? - by Towlies - 30.07.2007, 04:50
Re: PAWN totally wrapped to C++. Do you want this to be released? - by ZET - 30.07.2007, 06:18
Re: PAWN totally wrapped to C++. Do you want this to be released? - by RayW - 30.07.2007, 23:18
Re: PAWN totally wrapped to C++. Do you want this to be released? - by JaTochNietDan - 30.07.2007, 23:21
Re: PAWN totally wrapped to C++. ALPHA RELEASED. - by ADreNaLiNe-DJ - 31.07.2007, 10:46
Re: PAWN totally wrapped to C++. ALPHA RELEASED. - by d.wine - 31.07.2007, 18:14
Re: PAWN totally wrapped to C++. ALPHA RELEASED. - by ZET - 31.07.2007, 19:27
Re: PAWN totally wrapped to C++. ALPHA RELEASED. - by Jacob - 31.07.2007, 19:55
Re: PAWN totally wrapped to C++. ALPHA RELEASED. - by ZET - 31.07.2007, 20:37
Re: PAWN totally wrapped to C++. ALPHA RELEASED. - by d.wine - 01.08.2007, 09:01
Re: PAWN totally wrapped to C++. ALPHA RELEASED. - by [SAR]Dejavu - 01.08.2007, 14:42
Re: PAWN totally wrapped to C++. ALPHA RELEASED. - by Hell_Demon - 08.08.2007, 11:58
Re: PAWN totally wrapped to C++. ALPHA RELEASED. - by ProRaiL - 12.08.2007, 09:10
Re: PAWN totally wrapped to C++. ALPHA RELEASED. - by Zero:VCK - 12.08.2007, 15:38
Re: PAWN totally wrapped to C++. ALPHA RELEASED. - by ADreNaLiNe-DJ - 12.08.2007, 20:47
Re: [ALPHA] PAWN wrapped to C++ - by PsYcHoGoD - 13.08.2007, 17:20
Re: [ALPHA] PAWN wrapped to C++ - by Jaymzanator - 30.11.2007, 17:57
Re: [ALPHA] PAWN wrapped to C++ - by obstriegel - 07.01.2008, 20:47
Re: [ALPHA] PAWN wrapped to C++ - by James - 12.01.2008, 17:35
Re: [ALPHA] PAWN wrapped to C++ - by jthebeast2007 - 31.01.2008, 01:02
Re: [ALPHA] PAWN wrapped to C++ - by Truem - 04.02.2008, 13:15
Re: [ALPHA] PAWN wrapped to C++ - by Fire_in_the_hole - 06.03.2008, 14:26
Re: [ALPHA] PAWN wrapped to C++ - by ZET - 05.04.2008, 16:20
Re: [ALPHA] PAWN wrapped to C++ - by jthebeast2007 - 06.04.2008, 06:25
Re: [ALPHA] PAWN wrapped to C++ - by roleplayman - 07.05.2008, 17:32
Re: [ALPHA] PAWN wrapped to C++ - by Killerkid - 07.05.2008, 17:36
Re: [ALPHA] PAWN wrapped to C++ - by roleplayman - 07.05.2008, 17:38
Re: [ALPHA] PAWN wrapped to C++ - by XPlatform - 03.01.2009, 09:30
Re: [ALPHA] PAWN wrapped to C++ - by Maggi_12 - 08.12.2009, 20:36
Re: [ALPHA] PAWN wrapped to C++ - by Maggi_12 - 09.12.2009, 15:52
Re: [ALPHA] PAWN wrapped to C++ - by Maggi_12 - 19.12.2009, 15:01
Re: [ALPHA] PAWN wrapped to C++ - by Gamer_Z - 03.03.2010, 05:48
Re: [ALPHA] PAWN wrapped to C++ - by biltong - 10.03.2010, 15:05
Re: [ALPHA] PAWN wrapped to C++ - by Gamer_Z - 13.03.2010, 20:42
Re: [ALPHA] PAWN wrapped to C++ - by biltong - 29.04.2010, 19:29
Re: [ALPHA] PAWN wrapped to C++ - by Mina - 30.04.2010, 06:01
Re: [ALPHA] PAWN wrapped to C++ - by ihatetn931 - 30.04.2010, 07:01
Re: [ALPHA] PAWN wrapped to C++ - by ettans - 30.04.2010, 13:55
Re: [ALPHA] PAWN wrapped to C++ - by Extremo - 30.04.2010, 15:00
Re: [ALPHA] PAWN wrapped to C++ - by dcmd_crash - 30.04.2010, 16:40
Re: [ALPHA] PAWN wrapped to C++ - by Mina - 01.05.2010, 04:44
Re: [ALPHA] PAWN wrapped to C++ - by -Rebel Son- - 01.05.2010, 05:36
Re: [ALPHA] PAWN wrapped to C++ - by Mina - 01.05.2010, 12:32
Re: [ALPHA] PAWN wrapped to C++ - by typedef - 16.07.2010, 04:54
Re: [ALPHA] PAWN wrapped to C++ - by sooky - 24.07.2010, 19:19
Re: [ALPHA] PAWN wrapped to C++ - by Maggi - 02.08.2010, 21:36
Re: [ALPHA] PAWN wrapped to C++ - by UDV Production - 16.02.2011, 14:31
Re: [ALPHA] PAWN wrapped to C++ - by Karlip - 16.02.2011, 14:33
Re: [ALPHA] PAWN wrapped to C++ - by UDV Production - 16.02.2011, 14:38
Re: [ALPHA] PAWN wrapped to C++ - by LZLo - 17.02.2011, 14:51
Respuesta: [ALPHA] PAWN wrapped to C++ - by TheChaoz - 22.02.2011, 04:58
Re: [ALPHA] PAWN wrapped to C++ - by =KempeR= - 07.10.2011, 16:13

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