[Include] JakCP - Checkpoint Streamer [Stream more than 1 checkpoint!]

I for one applaud the OP as its never easy to release something on here for this very reason. People seem to think that because there's a competitor with more singing and dancing that you shouldn't even try. I can't think of anything else that will faster stagnate the already dwindling list of people who are posting new code.

And before anyone jumps on me I'd just like to point out that I'm not flaming anyone. I just don't see the point in the negative and quite frankly nonconstructive comments that come out of peoples overlarge mouths on this forum (Me included lol). Then again this is the internet...

I like this include despite the fact that incognito has his plugin. not knocking incognito at all but it is a bit of setup. I do use the odd plugin but i guess it just seems untidy in my head for some reason haha. Also I'd just like to point out (and i might be a little wrong here) but I'm pretty sure I was the first person ever to script a streamer into anything here. long before plugins were even around INC's and built in streamers were a BIG THING. I was told by numerous people 8-9 years back that it couldnt be done and to be honest i did it just to spite them. but it spawned an inc package that eventually created the first all in one streamer include. without that, incognito probs wouldn't have even bothered to try to better it (and he kicked it's ass I might add lol).

What I'm getting at is that posting a script here isn't about one-upping someone, it's more about learning and developing. If ur here to consistently give negative feedback then I'd put it to ya that ur a pretty sad individual and I think we sometimes lose sight of that... ALL OF US. So please gentlemen (and ladies - although a female on an online forum is pretty rare i guess these days) lets not hammer this guy into the ground just because he was proud of his work and wanted to show it off.

I for one thank you for posting it and would tell you to keep it up man. Don't listen to the haters lol.

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