pawno question. code.

Set a repeating timer. Maybe every 2500 seconds or so. They can't get very far in that amount of time. Then check if the players that are supposed to be in the hydra area are out of the area and move them.

pawn Код:
//At the top
new bool:InDM[MAX_PLAYERS];
forward CheckArea();


//When they enter the dm area
InDM[playerid] = true;//Set to false when they leave

public CheckArea()
  for(new i; i<MAX_PLAYERS; i++)
       if(!/*do your area check here with isplayerinarea*/)
          //Set their position
  return 1;
I hope you understand

Messages In This Thread
pawno question. code. - by XeoN_13 - 20.03.2009, 01:17
Re: pawno question. code. - by Backwardsman97 - 20.03.2009, 02:15
Re: pawno question. code. - by XeoN_13 - 20.03.2009, 02:32
Re: pawno question. code. - by [HiC]TheKiller - 20.03.2009, 05:35
Re: pawno question. code. - by [RP]Rav - 20.03.2009, 07:12
Re: pawno question. code. - by Backwardsman97 - 20.03.2009, 12:28
Re: pawno question. code. - by Mikep - 20.03.2009, 14:18
Re: pawno question. code. - by XeoN_13 - 21.03.2009, 00:14
Re: pawno question. code. - by Backwardsman97 - 21.03.2009, 00:20
Re: pawno question. code. - by XeoN_13 - 21.03.2009, 00:40

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