10.05.2013, 11:37
rPos is an include with some functions about player position
This is my first include so i thought to make something easy
- SetPlayerPosEx(playerid,Float:f_Px,Float:f_Py,Floa t:f_Pz,interior = 0,vw = 0,message[]);
- SetVehiclePosEx(vehicleid,Float:f_Vx,Float:f_Vy,Fl oat:f_Vz,interior = 0,vw = 0);
- SavePlayerPos(playerid);
- LoadPlayerPos(playerid);
SetPlayerPosEx - Set the player position , interior ,virtualworld + message (optional)
SetVehiclerPosEx - Set the vehicle position , interior , virtualworld
SavePlayerPos - Save the player position,interior,virtualworld
LoadPlayerPos - Load the saved position , interior , virtualworld