error 075: input line too long

pawn Code:
format(query, sizeof(query), "INSERT INTO `Houses` (`hInteriorID`, `hInteriorX`, `hInteriorY`, `hInteriorZ`, `hInteriorA`, `hExteriorID`, `hExteriorX`, `hExteriorY`, `hExteriorZ`, `hExteriorA`, `hSpawnID`, ");
        format(query, sizeof(query), "%s`hSpawnX`, `hSpawnY`, `hSpawnZ`, `hSpawnA`, `hOwner`, `hAddress`, `HousePrice`, `hLockStatus`, `hType`) VALUES ", query);
        format(query, sizeof(query), "%s(%d, '%f', '%f', '%f', '%f', %d, '%f', '%f', '%f', '%f', %d, '%f', '%f', '%f', '%f', '%s', '%s', %d, %d, '%s')", query, Houses[houseid][hInteriorID], Houses[houseid][hInteriorX], Houses[houseid][hInteriorY], Houses[houseid][hInteriorZ], Houses[houseid][hInteriorA], Houses[houseid][hExteriorID], Houses[houseid][hExteriorX], Houses[houseid][hExteriorY], Houses[houseid][hExteriorZ], Houses[houseid][hExteriorA], Houses[houseid][hSpawnID], Houses[houseid][hSpawnX], Houses[houseid][hSpawnY], Houses[houseid][hSpawnZ], Houses[houseid][hSpawnA], Houses[houseid][hOwner], Houses[houseid][hAddress], -1, 1, Houses[houseid][hType]);
        mysql_function_query(connectionHandle, query, false, "DefaultCallback", "");
If that does not fix it, you're going to need to split it further. You had an extra comma on the end of the last format.

Messages In This Thread
error 075: input line too long - by Stefand - 10.05.2013, 06:59
Re: error 075: input line too long - by mineralo - 10.05.2013, 07:03
Re: error 075: input line too long - by [HiC]TheKiller - 10.05.2013, 07:05

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