enum Question.

y_ini and also using ZCMD for processing. Ultimatley and eventually, I want everything dynamic, I'll go into detail here.

/factionlist - Displays a list of 10 factions (maximum is 10). Each faction will be given an ID from 1 - 10.
/makeleader [playerid] [factionid] - Sets the playerid as leader of that faction ID.
/invite [playerid] - For use by higher faction ranks.
/uninvited [playerid] - For use by higher faction ranks.
/renamefaction [factionid] - Renames the factions name on /factionlist.
/setrank [playerid] [custom rank name] - Sets players name.

That's basically what I want eventually. I aint asking you for a code, just how would I go about arranging things so that I can make all that I want work?

Messages In This Thread
enum Question. - by SilencedPistol - 09.05.2013, 20:42
Re: enum Question. - by IceCube! - 09.05.2013, 20:46
Re: enum Question. - by Scenario - 09.05.2013, 20:47
Re : enum Question. - by Rayan_black - 09.05.2013, 20:57
Re: enum Question. - by SilencedPistol - 09.05.2013, 21:16
Re: enum Question. - by Scenario - 09.05.2013, 21:19
Re: enum Question. - by SilencedPistol - 09.05.2013, 21:25
Re: enum Question. - by Scenario - 09.05.2013, 21:26
Re: enum Question. - by SilencedPistol - 09.05.2013, 21:28
Re: enum Question. - by Scenario - 10.05.2013, 16:50

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