Server shutting down,when server.exe finished.

If the problem would be the failure of connection with the database it'd shutdown right after that failure.
Check your gamemode; does it have something like:

in it?
Either way, check your OnGameModeInit callback AFTER the [LoadCrates] Load Query Sent print (so you most likely must search for print("[LoadCrates] Load Query Sent");

If you can't figure it out, reply here with your entire OnGameModeInit callback (if it's too big, use off course )

Messages In This Thread
Server shutting down,when server.exe finished. - by Moneymachine - 09.05.2013, 13:00
Re: Server shutting down,when server.exe finished. - by Kwarde - 09.05.2013, 15:43
Re: Server shutting down,when server.exe finished. - by mineralo - 09.05.2013, 15:45
Re: Server shutting down,when server.exe finished. - by superrobot48 - 09.05.2013, 15:48
Re: Server shutting down,when server.exe finished. - by Moneymachine - 09.05.2013, 16:28

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