09.05.2013, 09:39
Последний раз редактировалось CrossUSAAF; 09.05.2013 в 10:42.
First of all, make sure your animations have been preloaded. A way to do this can be found by FakeCop228 (first one I found when searching):
http://forum.sa-mp.com/showthread.ph...54#post2438154 Then this way, you won't have to apply the animation twice in order for it to run. Also, I cannot see any lines that are enabling your player to move again... in your 'StopEating' Timer, you need to add a line that allows the player to move again. So to unfreeze the player again, you just need the line: pawn Код:
EDIT: Animation works now, moved the order and using your suggested way, thanks. But the player IS still in wrong position, it won't rotate the player to my position, that I Set!