fwrite and fread problems

Originally Posted by Bakr
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How did you come about that?
A birdie told me when I started scripting, therefore I have always followed that rule and if its wrong I now have ALOT of work to do fixing this in my modes...

By this I ment one format could only convert 1024 then you needed to do an strcat to join the two 1024s together if they were the same length to bond into a [2048]

EDIT: Convert = Cover...

Messages In This Thread
fwrite and fread problems - by Johanson24 - 08.05.2013, 21:07
Re: fwrite and fread problems - by Bakr - 08.05.2013, 21:14
Re: fwrite and fread problems - by IceCube! - 08.05.2013, 21:15
Re: fwrite and fread problems - by Johanson24 - 08.05.2013, 21:21
Re: fwrite and fread problems - by Johanson24 - 08.05.2013, 21:23
Re: fwrite and fread problems - by IceCube! - 08.05.2013, 21:25
Re: fwrite and fread problems - by Bakr - 08.05.2013, 21:27
Re: fwrite and fread problems - by IceCube! - 08.05.2013, 21:30
Re: fwrite and fread problems - by Johanson24 - 08.05.2013, 21:32
Re: fwrite and fread problems - by Bakr - 08.05.2013, 21:37

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