[Include] 3D Text Label Tool-kit <::AKA::> Streamer!

3D Text Label Streamer

Version: 1.0.0
Author: CJay9209 / tAxI / cptnsausage

Required Includes:

Foreach Include


This is pretty simple stuff. The default maximum number of 3dtext labels anyone can have active at any time is 1024. This streamer allows you to exceed that limit (in theory limitlessly). Default max is set to 5000 but it can be changed via the sourcecode.

No need to install manual hooks as it's all done for you in the include (ALS Hook Method)


- CreateStaticLabel(Text[], default_color, line_of_sight, Float: x, Float:y, Float:z, Float:draw_distance); :: Returns the Label ID

- CreateVehicleLabel(Text[], vehicleid, default_color, line_of_sight, Float: x_offset, Float:y_offset, Float:z_offset, Float:draw_distance); :: Returns the Label ID

- CreatePlayerLabel(Text[], playerid, default_color, line_of_sight, Float: x_offset, Float:y_offset, Float:z_offset, Float:draw_distance); :: Returns the Label ID

- DestroyLabel(labelid); :: Destroy's target Label ID

- SetLabelText(labelid, Text[]); :: Set's Label Text

- SetLabelPos(labelid, Float: x, Float:y, Float:z); :: Set Static Label Position - will fail on attached label

- SetLabelOffset(labelid, Float: x_offset, Float:y_offset, Float:z_offset); :: Set Attached Label Offset - will fail on Static label

- SetLabelDrawDistance(labelid, Float:draw_distance); :: Set the distance at which players will see the label

- SetLabelLineOfSight(labelid, line_of_sight); :: Sets the line of sight value (Test the line-of-sight so this text can't be seen through walls. 0/1)

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The entire system was coded by myself and released under the Mozilla V2 License. Please give credit if you intend to use any of my code in your script! Please report any bugs!
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