Originally Posted by Rajat_Pawar
pawn Код:
stock IsPlayerCorrectlyNamed( playerid ) { new pNAME[MAX_PLAYER_NAME]; GetPlayerName( playerid, pNAME, MAX_PLAYER_NAME ); for( new i = 0 ; i < 10 ; i++ ) { if(strfind(name, i, true) != -1 ) return Kick( playerid ); } if( strfind(name, "_", true) == -1) return Kick( playerid ); else return 1; }
This COULD work. I have never tried this function before, it should probably work. You can add whatever other symbols you need like "@, ]" to be checked.
It already kicks people but I want it to also send the message I've made but it kicks them right away.