Raven's Roleplay & gl_npcs

Back again!
With the problem solved. After some try and stuff i managed it to get the Bots working properly, that are configured in gl_npcs.pwn. Its quite variated from what you see in the tutorials so if there is any request i will post my new gl_npcs.pwn here. I have to say that i had no work to do at all at the game mode but only in the filterscript.


Messages In This Thread
Raven's Roleplay & gl_npcs - by szyko - 04.05.2013, 09:46
AW: Raven's Roleplay & gl_npcs - by szyko - 06.05.2013, 23:25
Re: Raven's Roleplay & gl_npcs - by jakejohnsonusa - 07.05.2013, 00:28

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