[FilterScript] Text replacer - replace a string in text by another string easily!

Originally Posted by Mark_Samp
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Very good dude!
That will make it more easier
Keep it up
Thanks I also planned to release something else, which is very special (and secret now), but, unfortunately, there is some kind of bug which I wasn't able to fix + I am unsure whether to release it. Maybe one day. Some people have already seen that work, but I am not very much into releasing until it works really 100%. :/

Messages In This Thread
Text replacer - replace a string in text by another string easily! - by ¤Adas¤ - 06.05.2013, 19:54
Re: Text replacer - replace a string in text by another string easily! - by Mark_Samp - 06.05.2013, 20:49
Re: Text replacer - replace a string in text by another string easily! - by ¤Adas¤ - 06.05.2013, 21:09

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