Banning offline player

Look here....

new INI:file = INI_Open(Path(playerid));

This needs to be.....

new INI:file = INI_Open(xxx)

You need the file of the targetname... this looks like it's banning yourself!

Messages In This Thread
Banning offline player - by Squirrel - 05.05.2013, 22:23
Re: Banning offline player - by Pottus - 05.05.2013, 22:26
AW: Banning offline player - by Squirrel - 05.05.2013, 22:27
Re: Banning offline player - by ryansheilds - 05.05.2013, 22:29
Re: Banning offline player - by Pottus - 05.05.2013, 22:29
AW: Re: Banning offline player - by Squirrel - 05.05.2013, 22:33

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