3DTextLabel Issue

Obviously, you will first want to change the color of the textdraw. Let's take a look at the function which creates a 3Dtextlabel.

Originally Posted by wiki.sa-mp.com
(text[], color, Float:X, Float:Y, Float:Z, Float:drawDistance, virtualworld, testLOS)
With this in mind, you'll probably want to change "BLUE" to "YELLOW" (if you have that defined). If you don't have a yellow color defined, let me know and I can find one for you. By changing BLUE to YELLOW, you are fixing the color problem.

If you want the black outline, make sure your define of YELLOW has ff on the end. Here is an example of a yellow define below:

pawn Код:
#define YELLOW 0xF3FF08FF

Messages In This Thread
3DTextLabel Issue - by CrystalMethod - 05.05.2013, 01:05
Re: 3DTextLabel Issue - by RevolutionaryGaming - 05.05.2013, 01:54
Re: 3DTextLabel Issue - by CrystalMethod - 05.05.2013, 02:01
Re: 3DTextLabel Issue - by RevolutionaryGaming - 05.05.2013, 02:03
Re: 3DTextLabel Issue - by CrystalMethod - 05.05.2013, 02:17
Re: 3DTextLabel Issue - by RevolutionaryGaming - 05.05.2013, 02:32
Re: 3DTextLabel Issue - by CrystalMethod - 05.05.2013, 02:38
Re: 3DTextLabel Issue - by Avi Raj - 05.05.2013, 04:38

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