car engine upgrading script HELP

hello, i used search but i didnt found anything

Is it possible to make a script to make the cars go faster?

i want to make a performance shop, where people will have to buy car parts, like engine, transmission etc to incrase their car performance.

is it scriptable? thanks!


Messages In This Thread
car engine upgrading script HELP - by Rafael_Rodgers - 04.05.2013, 19:47
Re: car engine upgrading script HELP - by DiGiTaL_AnGeL - 04.05.2013, 19:53
Re: car engine upgrading script HELP - by DaRk_RaiN - 04.05.2013, 19:54
Re: car engine upgrading script HELP - by Rafael_Rodgers - 04.05.2013, 20:07

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