Things to code

Hello guys. I opened this thread so that all ideas people have can be coded by people who want to. Obviously, don't post a link to the script request thread. It's just got things like "LOGIN SYSTEM" and all that, pretty much available if you search. Also, I did search, found no such similar thread. Hence. Anyone can post ideas, and anyone could take it up and code. Because a lot of us have the coding potential, (the HOW) but do not have the idea to code! (the WHAT)
If you find it pointless, you can leave!
I'll keep adding:

Armored vehicles (using AttachObjectToVehicle and SetObjectMaterial)

Messages In This Thread
Things to code - by RajatPawar - 04.05.2013, 13:43
Re: Things to code - by iNorton - 04.05.2013, 14:03
Re: Things to code - by weedarr - 04.05.2013, 17:28
Re: Things to code - by RajatPawar - 04.05.2013, 17:35
Re: Things to code - by weedarr - 04.05.2013, 17:39
Re: Things to code - by Killerjoke - 09.05.2013, 16:22
Re: Things to code - by Vince - 09.05.2013, 16:33

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